Feeling Of Guilt For Everything – How To Avoid It?

Although guilt is a mechanism for self-development, it sometimes stops us from moving forward. Therefore, we should learn to deal with these emotions and keep on living.
Feeling of guilt for everything - how to avoid it?

Guilt is a fairly common emotion for many people. If you think you could have done better and you can’t stop thinking about it, if you always remember your mistakes or think you are always making mistakes, you should read this article.

This will help you learn how to avoid feeling guilty in many situations.

Why is it normal to feel guilty?

There are many reasons why we feel painful, guilty. From a cultural and behavioral level, guilt is a way to avoid making mistakes in the future or to do better the next time.

So why do we feel guilty? Here are some possible reasons:

1. Moral and ethical reasons

the man is talking to the couple while feeling guilty

However, guilt can only be a fleeting emotion that does not lead to changes in our habits or behaviors. Perhaps at first we feel a little guilty about our deed, but later it is “forgotten” or we prefer to focus on the consequences of our actions.

2. Because we think it makes us better people

Feeling regret does not make us better citizens, a better child, wife, worker, etc.

Unfortunately, we have this belief that it is better to do something wrong and feel guilty about it, as these emotions will make us “morally better”. As if guilt could purify and rehabilitate us.

However, the important thing here is not guilt, but sincere repentance and how we try to correct our mistake.

3. For selfish reasons

Guilt is also a selfish response by the human species. It makes you feel like a bad person or that you are out of harmony with yourself when you do something wrong. It allows you to isolate yourself from your own mistakes.

pointing at yourself

Still, these self-centered thoughts are very different from ethics and empathy (which focuses on thinking about others). Guilt can distance us from those around us. We focus so much on our guilt that it won’t end well for anyone.

How Can I Avoid Guilt?

Guilt can come anywhere and anytime. For some people it is more common and can result in depression, loneliness, regret, frustration, etc.

Pay attention to the following recommendations to avoid feeling guilty all the time:

1. Understand this feeling

Wine may or may not be productive. In the first case, it will allow us to develop and mature; however, in the latter it works quite the opposite.

the woman is leaning her head against the wall and feeling guilty


If we learn from our mistakes and use them as a lesson, we don’t need to feel guilty. In the case of unproductive guilt, it prevents us from developing and can contribute to deep depression.

We all make mistakes, but our attitude to this problem defines us as a person.

2. It is natural to feel guilty in out of control situations

A car accident or not saying goodbye to a person who has just passed away are common situations that leave us feeling guilty.

  • Thinking about something “we could have done” makes us feel terrible.
  • Helplessness, frustration, and lack of control go hand in hand with guilt.

It would be good to think about the fact that there are many things that we cannot change and we are not inferior to others because of it.

We cannot control everything that happens around us. “Lesting” is not a healthy solution. We have no power to change the past.

3. Consider your emotions

broken man on the bench and guilt

At what point or situation do you most often feel guilty? Do a retrospective exercise and analyze this feeling.

  • Perhaps this is something you were taught when you were a child related to morals and ethics. Other emotions that may arise are shame and sadness.

As soon as you are aware of the habits and situations that make you prone to guilt, you can work on them to change or at least improve them.

  • Writing a journal, making a list, or talking to someone close to you (or your therapist) about your problems would help. This will prevent guilt from taking control of your life.

4. Accept the guilt

This is a fundamental step in preventing this feeling from overwhelming you and influencing your interpersonal relationships. It’s okay to feel guilty about a situation, but you can’t hold onto it your whole life.

Accepting the problem shows that you recognize that you are only human and that you have the right to make mistakes. But it also proves that you have the ability to change.

It is difficult and time consuming, but you will feel better about yourself. Forgive yourself and you will live in greater peace, without huge social pressure.

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