Find Out How Important It Is To Stay Hydrated And The Recommended Daily Amount Of Fluid

Drinking enough water helps eliminate pollutants and substances that the body no longer needs. In addition, sufficient hydration keeps the kidneys and liver in good condition – the organs responsible for the excretion of toxins.
Hydration - Why Is It So Important?

Proper hydration is the key to health. We must not forget that when we are thirsty our body is already dehydrated, so we should drink water regularly, at least one liter a day.

“I forget to drink water”, “I don’t feel thirsty”, “I don’t like the taste of water”, “No thanks, I prefer soda.” If you have said some of these sentences more than once this one, this article is for you. We’ll tell you why hydration is so important.

As we have been taught from elementary school,  65% to 75% of our body is made up of water. This is why hydration is so important to keep our health in good shape.

Water consumption is the basis of every living thing. The lost fluids must be replaced to keep the body functioning properly and avoid health complications.

Why is hydration so important?

Every day, your body loses fluid through sweat, urine, bowel movements, and other body fluids. Especially if you are exercising or in hot weather, you should exercise extreme caution.

We show you the 7 benefits of adequate hydration:

1. It improves the work of the brain

Consuming plenty of water allows your brain to work faster, sharpens memory, and improves your mood. Dehydration reduces cognition, attention, memory, and the ability to concentrate.

If you want to be more productive, avoid headaches, improve your skills, and have more conflict resolution options, you need to keep your body hydrated. If you drink enough water, you’ll be mentally alert.

miniature brain

2. Restores important chemicals in the body

Sweating, especially during exercise, causes the body to excrete magnesium, potassium and sodium. If you don’t replace the minerals you have lost, you may experience fatigue, muscle weakness, and cramps.

Remember that water transports nutrients and chemicals through your organs, tissues and systems. If you are not hydrated, how will you properly distribute the supplies your body needs?

3. Cleans the arteries

Better to prevent than to cure health problems! If you drink enough fluids, you can keep your blood pressure healthy  and help eliminate waste in your cells.

On the other hand, dehydration can cause low blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. If you want to avoid these problems, better don’t forget to hydrate yourself properly.

4. Takes care of body temperature

Our body is very smart. When your body heats up, water plays a fundamental role through sweating  and self-regulation mechanisms.

To compensate for the rise in temperature, the sweat glands secrete fluid that travels towards the skin as excess heat begins to accumulate. If you don’t drink water, you will feel your productivity will drop.

5. Helps to eliminate toxins

Drinking enough water helps eliminate pollutants and substances that the body no longer needs. In addition, sufficient hydration keeps the kidneys and liver in good condition – the organs responsible for the excretion of toxins.

The importance of cultivating this habit is so important that in Japanese culture, for example , it is common to consume water on an empty stomach. This helps them to detoxify better and avoid heart problems.

6. Improves kidney function

Consuming enough water helps the kidneys to function properly. Good hydration eliminates waste in the urine, which prevents ailments such as kidney stones.

If your kidneys are sick, calcium isn’t absorbed properly into your bones. Some possible consequences of this include:

  • Increased risk of anemia and heart attacks.
  • Accumulation of acid in the blood.
  • For women, this can lead to imbalances in the menstrual cycle.

7. Facilitates digestion and defecation

Constipation occurs when faeces pass slowly through the colon. If they are there longer than necessary, the stools become harder and problems arise when evacuating. Avoid them by drinking water!

How to recognize dehydration?

You now know why hydration is so important. Now we also want you to learn to recognize the signs of dehydration. If you are not hydrating properly, your body will let you know through a variety of symptoms. Some of them may be:

  • Extreme thirst or dry mouth.
  • Unwillingness to urinate or dark colored urine.
  • Headache or dizziness.
  • Dryness and lack of skin elasticity.
  • Sleepiness or extreme tiredness.
  • No tears when crying.
  • Overheating of the body.
  • Constipation.

Important indications

There are a few things you should know and keep in mind to stay hydrated daily:

Avoid extremes: 2 liters of water a day are enough for the proper functioning of the body. Drinking too much water than indicated can cause other health problems.

ginger water to hydrate the body
  • Create a schedule: if you have trouble remembering to drink water, you can set alarms on your mobile phone and record the times you set. You can also use applications that remind you of this obligation.
  • Take water with you: make the bottle your faithful companion, your best friend. Get used to taking at least 1 liter of water with you so that you can drink it throughout the day.
  • Add natural flavor: if you don’t like water, you can add a slice of lemon, mint, cucumber, apple, basil… There are many ingredients you can use to make homemade flavored water.
  • Add water to your exercise routine: If you play sports, you  should stay hydrated before, during, and after each workout. Of course, no exaggeration!

Remember that the proper functioning of your body depends on proper hydration. Make drinking water and other fluids a habit and your body will thank you.

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