Flies – How To Scare Them Off With Home Methods

The biggest problem with flies is not that they annoy us by buzzing behind the ear. Flies can transmit serious diseases if they sit on your food or other surfaces you come into contact with. Here are 7 easy ways to make them easy to scare them off.
Flies - how to scare them off with home remedies

Flies are extremely annoying insects. We are constantly trying to get rid of them. However, they always find a way to sit in as many places as possible in our house.

The presence of flies is sometimes associated with insufficient care for cleanliness in the apartment. Most often, however, they are attracted simply by the presence of food or its leftovers in the basket.

However, the unpleasant sight of flies is neither the main nor the only problem. This is because flies can carry harmful microorganisms and leave them on your food.

Eating such food puts you at risk of contamination with many different diseases. Therefore, it is worth protecting your surroundings from flies. Try to do this using one of the natural methods we propose today.

1. Vodka bags

One of the more interesting methods of repelling flies is to hang plastic vodka bags in areas where they tend to accumulate.

Fly bags with vodka

The vodka bags give off a smell that is unbearable for flies. They also act as a prism in which the sun’s rays refract. This optical effect makes it difficult for the flies to fly, so they immediately change course.

2. Basil on flies

The properties of basil make it an excellent insect repellent. Basil gives off a scent that repels insects. As soon as they feel it, they will immediately want to leave.

The best idea is to plant basil in several places in your garden. If, on the other hand, you need a quick fix, make an infusion of basil and sprinkle it on places where flies often fly.

3. Lavender oil

Lavender oil has a strong scent that soothes people but repels flies and other insects.

lavender oil

If you plant lavender in your garden or in a pot, you will not only benefit from its relaxing properties, but also get rid of annoying flies.

You can also buy lavender oil and spray it on places where flies often appear. Dilute a few to a dozen drops of lavender oil in two glasses of water. Then use the sprayer to spray the solution on the areas you want to protect against the presence of flies.

4. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has many medical uses, especially in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Its properties help to cleanse the body when we suffer from pneumonia, asthma or when we simply have a cold.

Mix a little eucalyptus oil with warm water and spray the mixture where flies frequently fly, or where ants pass or gather.

5. Garlic

Garlic has a distinctive, pungent smell that effectively repels flies in the home. 

Chopped garlic

6. Apple cider vinegar

The acidic ingredients of apple cider vinegar are another effective insect repellent. This method is 100% natural and harmless to the environment, unlike chemicals you can buy in a store.

Thanks to its properties, apple cider vinegar repels insects and disinfects the surfaces you wipe with it.

On an ad hoc basis, you can spray apple cider vinegar directly on the insects. However, it’s best to scare them away by placing bowls of this liquid at different points in your home and garden.

7. Cloves and orange for flies

The strong aroma of cloves combined with the scent of citrus is very pleasant to humans. However, it is unbearable for insects.

cloves and oranges

Take a small handful of cloves and crush them into the peel of a whole orange. Place the orange with the cloves in a place where flies often fly.

Try these natural flies repellants. You will see that there is no need to spend money on expensive chemicals.

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