Frequent Urination – What Is It Caused By?

Drinking too much drinks such as coffee or Coca Cola can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys. Remember, drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.
Frequent urination - what is it caused by?

Each of us has frequent visits to the toilet, but it is very troublesome. Do you know what causes frequent urination and how to recognize if it is a cause for concern?

Frequent urination is a common problem, especially among women. Obviously, the main cause of more frequent visits to the toilet is higher fluid intake. This is advisable once in a while as it is one of the ways to cleanse the kidneys. Below you will find the answer to a previously asked question.

1. Frequent urination – causes

Getting to the toilet at night is called nocturia. It affects men more often, especially at a later age, when prostate problems arise.

However, since overactive bladder syndrome most commonly affects women, let’s take a closer look at the main causes of this condition.

1. Too much energy drink consumption

This includes not only drinks such as coffee, but all energy drinks and carbonated caffeinated drinks. Remember that the amount of urine you pass is closely related to your body’s electrolyte levels.

2. Diabetes

Frequent urination is just one of the many symptoms of diabetes, along with sudden weight loss, fatigue, weakness and sleepiness. However, this disease can be ruled out by performing a simple test.

In diabetes, pollakiuria is associated with a disturbance in insulin production, so excess sugar is excreted in the urine. As a result, thirst increases, more fluids need to be absorbed, which in turn leads to increased bladder activity.

3. Certain medications

Some medications can interfere with your bladder and cause you to urinate more frequently . One such drug is lorazepam, which is used to sedate you. So remember to always read the leaflet and watch your body’s reactions to the use of new drugs.

4. Stress and nervous disorders

Anxiety or stress can also trigger biological reactions, such as abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness or frequent urination . If you notice these types of symptoms, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

Additionally, try to drink as much as possible to avoid dehydration.

5. Infections

One of the most common causes of pollakiuria is infection. They can attack the bladder, kidneys, urethra, and even the vulva and vagina.

Sometimes  frequent urination is triggered by a hormonal imbalance, in other cases, bacteria and lowered immunity are responsible for the infection .

In this case, you should immediately go to a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. However, there are also several ways you can use at home.

2. Home remedies for overactive bladder

Garlic for frequent urination

1. Change your diet: avoid irritating ingredients such as vinegar, intense spices, coffee, red meat, chocolate, cow’s milk and its derivatives, flour and refined sugars; increase your consumption of vegetables instead.

2. Start the day with tea: preferably horsetail and lemon juice.

3. Eat garlic: One clove of garlic and a glass of warm water before going to bed should work as an antibiotic.

4. Drink ginger tea: its anti-inflammatory effect will bring you relief.

5. Drink plenty of water: this way you will avoid dehydration.

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