Fruit For Urinary Tract Infections

Fruits rich in vitamin C help cleanse the bladder of bacteria. By increasing the consumption of citrus, we also improve the health of our intestines.
Fruit for urinary tract infections

Are you tired of recurring urinary tract infections? For the treatment to be effective, you can also add natural remedies, such as fruit, to the medications prescribed by your doctor 

Do you want to find out what  fruits  will be the most effective in fighting urinary tract infection? Read this article!

Why is it worth using fruit to fight infection?

Urinary tract infections are a very common ailment that affects mainly women. Inflammation in the bladder most often causes an uncomfortable burning sensation when urinating, pressure in the lower abdomen, and sometimes even a slight fever.

Why is it worth using fruit to treat urinary tract infections?

First of all, fruits are rich in vitamin C and other compounds that gradually remove bacteria living in the bladder.

Here are a few rules that you should follow to ensure that the treatment goes smoothly and the infection does not recur:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. This will cleanse the bladder and urinary system.
  • Infusion of chamomile, cinnamon and rosemary helps to relieve inflammation.
  • Choose foods that are antibacterial, such as garlic, ginger, and parsley. You can prepare ginger tea or an infusion of parsley. Boil 5 parsley leaves in a glass of water, strain and drink it and you will feel better.
  • Some products also have a diuretic effect and prevent fluid retention in the body. Choose mainly asparagus, cucumbers, celery and beets.
  • Avoid beverages that can irritate your bladder, such as coffee and green tea.
  • Give up refined flour, sugars and grains. They all help to retain water in the body and make it harder to heal urinary tract infections.
  • Drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda each day.

Fruit for urinary tract infections

1. Cranberry

Do you like cranberries and know where it is easily available? Whenever you get a urinary tract infection, the first thing that comes to your mind should be cranberries.

Cranberry tea

Doctors and nutritionists clearly indicate its excellent antibacterial effect and antioxidant content. Cranberry increases the acidity of the urine, making it easier to expel bacteria that build up in the urinary tract.

Instead of ready-made cranberry juice (the main ingredient of which is sugar, not the active agents to cure an infection), buy fresh cranberries and prepare the juice yourself at home.

2. Papaya

Papaya is another example of a fruit with high acidity that promotes the excretion of bacteria from the urinary tract.

Papaya juice

This fruit is also a natural source of antioxidants and vitamin C, and their fiber content has a positive effect on metabolism and cleansing the body, including the bladder, colon and intestines.

Papaya contains enzymes that have anti-inflammatory properties and accelerate cell regeneration. There is nothing to wonder about – choose papaya and treat the infection!

3. Lemons and oranges

As you probably know, oranges and lemons are one of the best sources of vitamin C. To take advantage of their properties, prepare the juice of two oranges and half a lemon in the morning.


Don’t strain the juice – the pulp will help cleanse your intestines. Drink this natural juice every day, and in combination with other fruits, you will quickly get rid of the infection.

4. Pineapple

Did you know that pineapple contains enzymes that reduce bladder inflammation extremely quickly ?! So if you have a urinary tract infection, prepare pineapple juice or add pineapple to your salads and your treatment time will be significantly reduced.

5. Red grapes

Grapes are another fruit which will help you fight infection of the urinary tract. They are almost as effective as the aforementioned cranberry.


Grapes are extremely tasty and easy to include in your diet to help you fight infection.

 These fruits are rich in antioxidants, reduce inflammation and are diuretic, making treatment of infections quick and effective.

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