Get Rid Of Back Pain In The Loins – 4 Ways

How To Get Rid Of Back Pain? It’s easy with these 4 ways! Remember, however, that if the pain is chronic, an appointment with a specialist is necessary.
Get rid of back pain in the loins - 4 ways

Don’t know how to get rid of back pain ? You are not alone! Most adults have experienced back pain at least once in their lives.

This pain is nothing but pressure on the base of the spine, especially in the part between the buttocks and the waist. It is worth remembering that pain in the lumbar spine is one of the most common ailments in the world. And in terms of frequency, it is only the flu that defeats it.

Pain in the lumbar spine affects both women and men. What’s more, it especially teases people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or, on the contrary, exercise too intensively.

The woman is lifting weights

Among young people, the most common cause of back pain is carrying an overly packed backpack to school, incorrect posture while sitting, or standing for a long time without taking care to keep a straight body.

The causes of back pain

Here are some of the factors that can trigger back pain in the lumbar region:

Lifting too heavy loads

Incorrect movements

Lumbar back pain caused by abnormal movements usually disappears on its own when you stop being active. Its problem is that although it is short-lived, it affects our body very strongly when it appears.

Spinal cord infection


Scoliosis refers to distortion of the spine in different stretches. Whether it’s in the spine, neck, or lower back. The disease can develop at any age, but symptoms usually appear after the disease is adult.


Hernias are also considered a type of deformity. They also tend to cause lower back pain as they displace the discs from the lower vertebrae.

Scoliosis is the source of back pain

In such cases, they can even put pressure on the spinal nerves.

  • Surgery is a professional solution in the treatment of this ailment in extreme cases.
  • Some people choose physical therapy, rehabilitation, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain.

How To Get Rid Of Back Pain? – Home treatments to relieve symptoms

Fortunately, in mild cases, back pain can be alleviated with the following exercises and a few home remedies:

1. Massage with a ball to get rid of back pain

The procedure is very simple:

  • Just lie down on a flat surface and place a regular rubber ball (which fits in your hand) under your buttocks.
  • Then make slow, deep movements from one side to the other.
  • In order for the movement to affect more games, it is advisable to reposition and balance the pressure on both sides as the exercise progresses.

This massage positively affects the buttock area, an area that is under constant pressure due to our posture, especially if we do sedentary work and have little physical activity during the day.

This exercise will not only prevent back pain, but also other injuries such as trigger points and the pyramid syndrome or trapezius syndrome.

2. Self-massage of the back with a stick

  1. The first thing you need to do is find a stick long enough for you to easily reach your back along its entire length. You can use a broom or mop handle.
  2. Take the stick and move it up and down your back, very slowly and firmly pressing down.
  3. Then focus all your strength on one side of your back. Walk from the center outwards, and then repeat the same action on the other side of your back.

Remember to massage hard and intensely. The stick is used to apply pressure to areas of the back that cannot be reached with the hand.

3. Milk and cabbage – a remedy to relieve back pain

How To Get Rid Of Back Pain With Cabbage ?! Believe it or not, cabbage will help relax your back muscles. It is worth knowing that cabbage is a “cold” vegetable whose ingredients serve as a muscle relaxant.

Cabbage helps get rid of back pain
  • To give cabbage its pain-relieving properties, place the vegetable in a bowl of milk and let the liquid soak for at least 5 minutes.
  • Before applying this mixture, thoroughly clean the lumbar region of the back, then spread the cabbage over the entire surface and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Then take a warm shower and relax.

4. Parsley with salt will help get rid of back pain

You already know how to get rid of backache with cabbage, but it’s not the only vegetable that has analgesic properties. Parsley can also be helpful.

  • Pour some lukewarm water into the bowl and add a few sprigs of parsley and a few teaspoons of salt.
  • Place the parsley sprigs side by side on the sore back and leave them for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the parsley sprigs, dry your back with a towel, then massage with isopropyl alcohol to loosen the area.

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