Green Beans: Nutritional Values ​​and Benefits

Green beans are a healthy vegetable with a lot of fiber, which not only prevents constipation but also increases the feeling of fullness.

Green beans  are a healthy and recommended product that can be included in any diet. Its nutrients provide specific benefits as long as it is part of a balanced diet. It is a legume product with which it shares various characteristics.

According to experts,  it is recommended to eat legumes at least once a week. Their consumption contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and other complex diseases.

Nutritional values ​​of green beans

100 grams of green beans provide 31 kilocalories. It is therefore a low-calorie product. When it comes to macronutrients, it contains 7 grams of carbohydrate, 1.8 grams of protein and virtually zero fat.

This vegetable has a high water and fiber content. The latter ingredient has a positive effect on health.

When it comes to micronutrients, green beans are high in Vitamin A (690 milligrams) and Vitamin B9 (33 milligrams). It also contains 6 milligrams of sodium  and a significant amount of vitamin C – 12.2 grams.

Green beans and their benefits

Below we present the benefits of regular consumption of green beans and the scientific data on it.

1. Soothes intestinal discomfort

Eating fiber lowers the risk of constipation,  speeds up bowel movements, and ensures more frequent and effective bowel movements.

What’s more, this ingredient prevents colon cancer, which is confirmed by research. Fiber increases the volume of the stool and, as it is insoluble, it carries waste products that could remain on the intestinal walls and damage tissues.

What’s more,  regular consumption of fiber increases the feeling of satiety,  which reduces snacking between meals. It therefore facilitates effective weight loss.

2. Controls the lipid profile

The effect of the diet on the lipid profile is limited. However, certain foods can slightly lower plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. This translates into a lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Certainly,  fiber partially blocks the absorption of certain nutrients, such as fats or cholesterol,  according to a study published in the magazine  Postepy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej.

In this way, the endogenous synthesis of these components is stimulated, which is an efficient regulatory mechanism. A similar effect applies to the absorption of carbohydrates. Fiber delays their entry into the bloodstream. This may be effective in helping with diabetes.

3. Strengthens the immune system

As already mentioned, green beans contain a lot of vitamin C.  This ingredient has the ability to improve the functioning of the immune system,  which is confirmed by scientific research.

It is said that consuming 1 gram of this substance daily contributes to the prevention of the development of many infectious diseases, such as runny nose. Moreover, it shortens the duration of symptoms.


Cooking green beans is quite simple. This vegetable requires heat treatment. It is worth knowing that the slower it is cooked, the better the final result.

The optimal solution is to put the beans in the broth and add water and heat to a boil. Cooking should take about an hour for the beans to soften and remain fleshy. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many varieties require prior soaking for at least 24 hours.

Cooked green canned beans are also available on the market . It is universal and allows you to prepare salads, pasta and other dishes. It’s worth experimenting to find your favorite way to prepare this vegetable.

Green beans: recommendations

As you can see,  green beans are a healthy product  that finds a place in a balanced diet. It contains essential nutrients and a lot of fiber. It also finds many uses in the kitchen. You can experiment with it when preparing many dishes. Suitable for stews, salads and pan dishes.

You can also buy it in a canned version. When prepared in this way, it  retains its nutritional value and is easy to use in the kitchen.

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