Hair Loss – Fight It With Onion-based Remedies

When we combine the nutrients from onions with other elements contained in the ingredients of these treatments, we will obtain appropriate remedies to help fight hair loss. They will also help their growth.
Hair Loss - Fight It With Onion Based Remedies

Onion is one of the ingredients that helps in combating many ailments. It has been used to combat hair loss since antiquity .

This product contains a large amount of sulfur compounds as well as vitamins and minerals. They deeply nourish the scalp, improving its circulation. In this way, it effectively stimulates growth and reduces hair loss .

Admittedly, the onion has an intense scent that not everyone likes. However, it can be combined with other ingredients that will facilitate its application and additionally increase the effects. Unlike commercial hair loss products on the market, natural remedies are much cheaper and usually don’t have any unwanted side effects.

Hair loss remedy based on onion and argan oil

The valuable ingredients present in onions should be combined with the moisturizing and regenerating properties of argan oil. Thanks to this, we will obtain an effective remedy for hair loss.

Its regular use allows you to regenerate damaged ends. What’s more, it stimulates hair growth by improving circulation in the scalp.

Onion and oil for hair loss


  • 1 raw onion
  • 2 tablespoons of argan oil (30 g)

A method of preparing:

  • Get raw onion juice and mix it with two tablespoons of argan oil.
  • Once you have a homogeneous product, divide your hair into strands and apply the remedy all over your scalp.
  • Leave the product on your hair for about 30 minutes and then use the shampoo you always use.
  • For best results, use this remedy at least twice a week.

A remedy of onions and bee honey for hair loss

While the combination of onions and bee honey is known for its healing properties against immunodeficiency and respiratory infections, it is good to know that it is an excellent hair loss remedy.


  • 1 onion
  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)

A method of preparing:

  • Cut the onion into smaller pieces and blend them in a food processor together with the honey.
  • When the whole thing has the consistency of a uniform, semi-fluid paste, apply it to the hair and scalp. Cover your hair from root to tip.
  • Leave on hair for about an hour and rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Wash your hair with the shampoo you always use.
  • You can repeat use 2 to 3 times a week.

Natural onion and coconut oil remedy for hair loss

Coconut oil is one of the most used natural moisturizing products. It perfectly affects the health of the hair, moisturizing and nourishing it.

Fatty acids and amino acids in coconut oil deeply nourish the hair. They help reduce hair loss by removing dry and greasy hair. It has a stabilizing effect on the sebaceous glands.

Combined with the healing properties of onions, this remedy helps improve the appearance and volume of your hair in no time.

Onion juice and coconut oil


  • 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil (45 g)
  • Juice from 1 onion

A method of preparing:

  • Heat the coconut oil in a steam bath and then mix it with the juice of one onion.
  • Rub the remedy into your hair from the roots to the ends and leave it on for about 40 minutes.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Do this twice a week.

Remedy for hair loss from onions and rosemary

Rosemary is one of the plants with medicinal properties. It helps reduce hair loss. What’s more, it stimulates their growth.


  • 1 onion
  • 2 cups of rosemary tea (500 ml)

A method of preparing:

  • Cut the onion into small pieces and blend it in a food processor with two cups of rosemary infusion.
  • Try to get a uniform consistency of the liquid and rub it into your hair, paying attention also to the scalp.
  • Leave it on for about 40 minutes, then wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.
  • Repeat the treatment three times a week and you will soon see positive results.

Natural onion and rum remedy for hair loss

This natural remedy, known since antiquity, combines onions and rum. It allows us to take care of our beauty without side effects. It is an alternative product that helps reduce hair loss.

Sliced ​​onion in a bowl


  • 2 onions
  • 1 cup of rum (250 ml)

A method of preparing:

  • Cut the onion into small pieces and place it in a glass jar along with a glass of rum.
  • Then cover the jar tightly and leave it for about 48 hours.
  • After this time has elapsed, strain the liquid and use it to massage the hair at the roots.
  • Now wait about 30 minutes and then rinse.
  • Then repeat the application twice a week.

Have you noticed that your hair is losing its volume? Choose one of the treatments we propose and include it in your beauty routine. Thanks to this, you will forget what hair loss is once and for all.

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