Hemorrhoids – How To Heal Them Naturally?

Are you fed up with annoying and painful hemorrhoids? Find out what causes them, how to prevent them and how to treat them with home remedies.
Hemorrhoids - How To Treat Them Naturally?

Hemorrhoids are an annoying, painful problem. Believe it or not, they are a very common ailment. Hemorrhoids , also known as haemorrhoids, are inflammation of the anal veins. The most common symptom is itching. In some cases, there may also be bleeding.

In today’s article, we’ll learn about some great natural treatments for this nasty problem.

Hemorrhoids – what should you know about them?

Hemorrhoids are caused by pressure on the anus. They can manifest themselves internally and externally.

Location of hemorrhoids

The most common complication is bleeding during defecation. Others are the formation of painful blood clots.

The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

  • Painless bleeding from the anus
  • Irritation and itching
  • Pain around the anus while sitting
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Tender, hard lumps around the anus

There are many causes of hemorrhoids. Some of them are:

  • Constipation
  • Diet too high in flour
  • Insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits
  • pregnancy
  • Birth
  • Using too much pressure when having a bowel movement
  • Cirrhosis
  • Sedentary lifestyle

How To Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally

First you should find out what is causing your hemorrhoids. Then you can decide how to treat them.

Additionally, think about using some natural home remedies to treat hemorrhoids. Here they are:


This plant is used for all skin problems including rashes and minor wounds.

Aloe is a natural remedy for hemorrhoids

It is a natural alternative that, when applied topically, refreshes and reduces inflammation. 

How to apply it

  • All you need to do is cut open the aloe leaf and pull the flesh out of it. Apply the gel to the painful area of ​​the anus. Make sure these areas are dry and clean.
  • Another option is to cut off the stiff aloe leaf and bring it to the rectum. In this way, the beneficial properties of the flesh will be directly absorbed.
  • You can also buy creams with aloe vera.

Bitter salt

A bath with bitter salt is especially recommended in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It soothes their symptoms and prevents re-bleeding .

How to apply it

Bitter salt can be put into a bathtub filled with warm water. It should not be too hot or lukewarm.

  • Bitter salt is a good remedy for pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids.
  • Just add one tablespoon of the bitter salt to your bath to avoid rash. If you don’t have this type of salt, you can use baking soda.

Medicinal herbs

The best herbs for treating hemorrhoids are chamomile, horsetail, and oak.

Chamomile with lemon

How to apply it

You can add them to your bath. You only need a small amount. You can also put a cotton ball soaked in herbal extract to the painful area. It is best to prepare the infusion by putting a tablespoon of the herb in boiling water. Then let it cool down.

Make a poultice

Soak a cotton towel or cloth in lukewarm water. Sit on it for 15 minutes. The treatment should be repeated 3-5 times a day.


Here is another natural and effective option that will help you quickly relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

How to apply it

  • Rinse the beetle bundle thoroughly. Put in the freezer. Place a frozen beetle leaf on your anus up to three times a day.
    Young beet leaves for hemorrhoids
  • The effect of this remedy is based on the feeling of cold and the juices contained in the beetroot.

Beetroot and carrots

Peel both vegetables, then grate them very finely. Add a little water to make a paste. Apply to varicose veins around the anus with a gauze pad.

This will help reduce the inflammation and itching caused by hemorrhoids.


It is a very simple, cheap and effective way to treat hemorrhoids. Potatoes reduce inflammation and burning thanks to the water they contain and their healing properties.


How to apply it

You can rub them and apply them with a paper towel. This procedure should be repeated several times a day. You can also cut a piece of potato and place it directly on the sore spot.

Aromatic oils

  • To soothe the stinging sensation, use lavender essential oil
  • To regenerate the skin, cypress oil
  • For an antibacterial effect, tea tree oil

We recommend applying the oil to a different part of the body before applying it to the anus. This will save you from potential allergic reactions.

What do i need to do if i have hemorrhoids

In addition to using these home remedies, there are other things to keep in mind as well. We can avoid complications by changing some of our daily habits:

  • Avoid laxatives as they can lead to diarrhea and increase the burning sensation.
  • Use unscented toilet paper. The perfume irritates the skin.
  • Clean the anal area well after using the toilet.
  • Eat more foods that contain fiber.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Eat vitamin C. It supports the flexibility of the veins.
  • Drink fresh fruit juices.
  • Do not apply too much pressure when you use the toilet.
  • Wear cotton underwear.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle;

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