Home Leg Training – Beautiful Legs Without A Gym Are At Your Fingertips!

Leg training at home - beautiful legs without a gym are at your fingertips!

Leg training at home ? what do you think? Thanks to home workouts, we can avoid completely abandoning the world of physical exercise. Because while your aversion to the gym may be great, it is not a sufficient reason to justify giving up sports. Although in fact – such antipathy can be a big obstacle.

That is why many people are looking for alternative solutions. One of them is training in the comfort of your own home. Your home is a comfortable and above all private place where you can feel at ease. In addition, thanks to training at home, you do not have to deal with unfavorable weather conditions or worry about having fashionable sports clothes in your wardrobe.

So what are you waiting for? With these simple exercise sets, do a leg workout at home , in your private privacy!

Equipment found in the gym is very helpful when you want to work on the lower body, but not essential. To do leg training at home, you only need the right attitude and enough space.

A special sports mat will be useful for these exercises. However, if you do not have it – it does not matter! All you need is a rug or a piece of floor covered with carpeting.

Home leg training is a breeze

Since you do not have access to machines or other equipment found in the gym at home, you will work with your own body weight during these exercises.

Beautiful legs, and leg training at home

Therefore, below, according to this concept, you will find some exercises that you can do at home.

Home leg training: quadriceps in a sitting position

We will start with a very simple but effective exercise. You only need a chair to make them.

Leg training at home
  • Sit on the chair. Your legs should be joined together and relaxed. The back is straight and the hands are resting on the sides of the chair seat.
  • Then, spread your legs asymmetrically, lifting them in front of you without bending your knees. Start with your stronger leg (for example: your right leg).
  • Move it forward slowly to avoid injury, bend it then lower it down.
  • Then repeat the same exercise for the other leg.

Leg training at home: squats for the buttocks

The woman is doing squats

It is very important to train your gluteal muscles. Squats are a perfect exercise for this part of the body.

Starting position

Put yourself in the familiar squat position.

  • The toes and knees should point outwards.
  • Feet should be spread sented at shoulder width.

The rest should go smoothly – straighten your back, look ahead and you’re ready.


  • Bend your legs, point your buttocks as far back as possible. The knees should not exceed the line of the toes.
  • You can straighten your arms to help keep your balance. To get better results, do this exercise calmly and slowly.
  • Finally, the number of series and repetitions within a series should be tailored to the individual’s abilities.

Strengthening the thigh abduction muscles

Another important muscle is on the inside of the thighs where we can find the abducting thigh muscle.

Leg stretching

Our goal will be to strengthen it as much as the rest of the legs.

Starting position

You can do this exercise in a living room or any other room with enough space to lift your legs sideways.

  • Stand upright. Turn your toes and face forward.
  • Bring your hands towards the supporting leg.


  • Start with your stronger leg. Raise it as high as possible.
  • Then very slowly lower it to the starting position.
  • Make the same movement with the other leg, with no gap in between.

As with squats, the number of sets and repetitions depends on your abilities. Adjust your home leg training to your level of advancement and the results you want to achieve.

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