Home Remedy For Ear Infection

What to do when your ears are infected?

When our ears start to hurt or feel uncomfortable, it may be because they have been infected. It is not difficult to find such a problem and surely each of us suffered from this type of infection at least once in a lifetime. Ears are a delicate part of the body, and similar ailments can be the result of bathing, swimming in the pool, insect bites or dental problems that affect the condition of the ear. In the article below, you will find solutions to similar problems that can affect our ears.

Ears – how to deal with infection?

Keep in mind that ear infections are much more dangerous when they affect the inside of them than when they affect the outside. Otitis should always be healed completely, otherwise it can contribute to partial or complete hearing loss, dizziness, discomfort, imbalance, and difficulty in performing simple tasks. Here are the types of inflammation that can affect our ears:

  • ear – caused by bacterial, viral or fungal infections. When inflammation is caused by bacteria, it is painful. Viruses reddening of the affected area, and sometimes of the ear. Common is whether or not temporary loss
  • otitis media – an infection often diagnosed in children. It manifests itself as fever, pain, irritability, partial hearing loss, loss of appetite. Otitis media occurs when the middle part of the ear becomes clogged with fluids and mucus. It then becomes a viral or bacterial infection. Some people are prone to these types of infections and may become chronic ear infections
  • inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis) – can cause dizziness, vomiting, nausea and loss of balance. As a rule, it is caused by viruses, but less often by bacteria, and occurs when the innermost part of the ear, the labyrinth,  becomes infected. The symptoms of inflammation of the inner ear are intense.
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Infected ears – how to treat them?

  • Fill the thermal bag with hot water and bring it closer to the sore ear, before that, tie the bag with a towel or a piece of cloth. Heat in such cases is a strong painkiller and also improves blood circulation and thus helps in getting rid of the infection faster.
  • wash, cut and mash three apricots. Preheat it in a pan and apply it as a poultice to sore ears
  • Mash a handful of basil leaves and plantain. Heat everything up and apply as a compress to the sore spot
  • heat half a tablespoon of olive oil and soak a piece of cotton. Then place it over the ear opening and let it act for about an hour
  • slice the onion and mash it. Place it in a piece of cloth and heat it in the microwave. Use as a compress when the ears hurt
  • Heat the olive oil for a few minutes, add the crushed garlic. After it has cooled down, soak a cotton pad with the mixture and place it over the ear opening
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  • heat two handfuls of rice and then place them in a bag or cloth. Place it on the pillow and put your ear on it
  • Pour seven drops of olive oil and the content of one capsule of vitamin E into a clean glass bottle . Then add two well crushed garlic cloves and mix. Close the bottle and heat the contents for a minute in a pot of hot water. When finished, put a few drops of the obtained liquid inside the ear. It is not recommended if there are purulent conditions and if the tympanic membrane has been perforated
  • for 10 minutes boil two tablespoons of absinthe with a liter of water. Wait for it to cool down, then bring the infusion close to the ear so that it absorbs the steam
  • Pour 2 teaspoons of cleansing into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to cool, covered. Soak a cotton ball with the infusion and place it next to the ear opening
  • squeeze the lemon juice and soak a cotton ball with it. Ten minutes before going to bed, gently place it against the entrance to your ear (without bringing it inside). This method relieves the pain caused by earwax build-up
  • Marinate 10 chamomile flowers in 4 tablespoons of olive oil and leave for two days. Then soak the substance on a cotton ball and put it on the ears. This is a method that is also used when the ears hurt due to excess earwax
  • heat two teaspoons of almond oil to room temperature . Insert two drops into the ear canal, then cover with a cotton towel
  • for 3 minutes in 1/2 cup of water, boil a handful of oregano leaves. Then wait until it cools down, strain and put three drops into the affected ear (if the eardrum is not perforated)
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  • bake the potatoes and wrap them in a piece of cloth. Use as a compress on the affected ear. The hotter the better!
  • boil 1 cup of water with a handful of coarse salt. Soak the material with the solution and bring it closer to the sick place
  • slice and heat the radish. Wrap in a thin cloth and hold as a poultice until the contents cool down
  • insert three drops of aloe vera gel into the ear canal , then leave the head tilted for a few minutes. Do not use when the eardrum has perforation
  • Mash a handful of Swiss chard leaves to extract juice. Insert into the ear canal

What to do so that the ears do not hurt?

  • avoid cotton buds to clean your ears
  • beware of throat infections
  • strengthen the immune system
  • avoid sharing headphones
  • avoid swimming in pools, lakes or rivers
  • avoid swimming in heavily chlorinated swimming pools
  • do not bring foreign objects into the ear
  • sleep on your side to help drain fluids and mucus

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