Homemade Face Skin Tightening Cream

This tonic has antiseptic properties and thanks to its natural ingredients, it can help us regulate excess fat, blackheads and other imperfections.
Homemade facial skin tightening cream

Natural astringent cream is a really great way to care for oily skin. When you use it regularly, the astringent cream will significantly reduce the risk of developing the characteristic unsightly blackheads, acne and other imperfections that sometimes appear on the skin of the face.

This condition arises as a result of too much fat production by the sebaceous glands. As a result, our face becomes shiny, dirty, and the pores more visible than usual.

Considering the consequences of oily skin, many people try to control its condition on an ongoing basis, ensuring its proper care. In response to this state of affairs, the cosmetics industry offers hundreds of products that regulate the lubrication of the skin and keep it in the best condition possible.

However, it must be admitted that they are usually not cheap products, and even if we can afford them, we do not always fully trust them. The good news is that there are natural ingredients that will provide our skin with an astringent effect without the risk of any side effects.

What are the benefits of an astringent cream?

Skin astringent products belong to the group of cosmetics responsible for its in-depth cleansing. Products such as skin astringent cream are primarily aimed at reducing the increased production of sebum and visibly smoothing the skin.

Girl with pimples and a towel on her head

This product is much more than a face tonic. It has antiseptic and refreshing properties that reduce the secretion of sebum, and also reduce the risk of blackheads, acne or other skin imperfections.

Unlike other cosmetic products, a natural astringent cream restores the skin’s balance and acts on the sebaceous glands. In addition, it thoroughly cleanses the pores, restoring the skin to a healthy and youthful appearance.

You will surely be pleased to learn that there are many ways to prepare such a cream at home, while excluding the use of chemical ingredients that could cause allergies and irritation.

So prepare the natural astringent cream yourself!

Natural astringent face cream – recipe

Many plants that we can easily find in nature have excellent astringent properties. Properly prepared, they can penetrate our skin, ensuring its in-depth cleansing and eliminating all impurities from it.

Ingredients for a natural astringent cream

On this occasion, we will use ingredients such as witch hazel water or mint leaves. So see how you can prepare a natural cream for deep skin cleansing!


  • 230 ml of witch hazel extract
  • 2 teaspoons of honey (15 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of dried mint (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of comfrey leaves (5g)


  • Place the mint and comfrey leaves in the glass dish. If you are using leaves that are not completely dry, double the amount.
  • Then add the witch hazel extract, making sure all leaves are thoroughly dipped in the liquid.
  • Mix the ingredients well and then add the bee honey.
  • Cover the dish tightly and shake it until the ingredients are well combined.
  • Place the dish in a warm place, preferably by a window, so that it is exposed to sunlight. Shake the dish from time to time.
  • Leave for two to four weeks.
  • After the allotted time, strain the liquid using delicate gauze and pour it into a clean bottle.
  • To extend the useful life of the product, put it in a dark bottle or other vessel, but keep it in a dark place.
  • Finally, you can prepare a label with the name, composition and production date.

Natural astringent cream – how to use

Our natural astringent cream does not differ in its use from other conventional creams on the market.

The woman cleans the skin of her face to apply an astringent cream
  • Clean your face with a damp towel to remove surface contamination and any makeup residue.
  • Dip a cotton swab in the cream, and then rub the product into the skin you want to clean.

By adding a natural astringent cream to your oily skin routine, you’ll see the results you want very quickly. Natural astringent cream should be used many times a day to enhance its positive effects.

Natural astringent cream will work even better if you exclude the use of oiling creams and other treatments or cosmetics containing fat.

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