How Can Children Overcome Fear Of The Dark?

If your child is afraid of the dark, you, as a parent, should help him overcome this fear. Under no circumstances should parents tease or ridicule their children, as this could not only prolong but also increase the fear they feel.
How can children overcome their fear of the dark?

As children, we probably got scared of many different things. Perhaps one of the main reasons we fear was the darkness.

This is a normal type of fear for all people and is also an integral part of growing up with children .

When children fear the dark, their parents’ role is to help them understand the cause of their fear and overcome their fear. In our article today, we are going to introduce you to some of our recommendations so that you can learn how to help children who are afraid of the dark.

The tips you will learn in a moment will help your children overcome their fears as they grow up. Remember that if you start helping them overcome this phobia from an early age, your children will be able to overcome it before they even grow up.

Sometimes, however, children do not know how to face their fear and carry it with them until they reach adolescence or even adulthood. Therefore, it is really worth reading the guide we have prepared, thanks to which you will be able to effectively help children who are afraid of the dark.

1. Get children to get used to the dark through play

A great idea that you must try is all kinds of educational activities such as games and activities that can help children overcome their fear of the dark.

Playing with the shadows

The real fun that your kids will surely love is competition for the shadows on the wall. The winner is the person who creates the best shape in the form of a shadow using only his hands.

This is a really great idea to help your children overcome their fear of the dark.

2. Bedside lamp

Using a small, dim lamp or leaving the light dimmed in your kids’ room is a great way to ensure a good night’s sleep.

In this way, children can gradually overcome the panic that engulfs them during sleep, whenever the lights are completely extinguished.

3. Don’t underestimate their fear of the dark

If a child cries out for help because of a fear of the dark, then turning on the light should not be the only sensible and applicable solution. What will turn on the light to overcome anxiety in the long run? Of course nothing.


If babies cry at night, try to find some way to calm them down. Stay with them, lying or sleeping by their side. Hold their hand while falling asleep. If they don’t face what’s bothering them by themselves, they won’t overcome the phobia of sleeping in a dark room.

Without being able to overcome this factor, they will not be able to sleep alone in their room until they are in their teens and perhaps adulthood.

4. Talk to them

Communication is fundamental. You should talk to your children, making sure they understand that they are living in a completely and completely safe place and environment for them.

If you talk to them properly, they will know that they no longer need to be afraid of the dark. Most importantly, you really need to talk to them about the places that make your kids fearful: what’s under the bed, in the closet, or in the dark hallway.

If the children get to know these places well, their anxiety will decrease significantly.

5. Tell stories to the children to help them overcome their fear of the dark

Taming children in situations that may be slightly frightening for them is an extremely helpful way for them to overcome their fear of the dark.

If they become part of the situations they fear, they will be able to overcome their fear more easily thanks to stories that stimulate both their imagination and knowledge of their surroundings.

6. Teasing and ridiculing is the worst thing you can do

While this behavior can seem extremely irresponsible in most cases, it is not uncommon for some parents to irritate and make fun of their children and their fears for no good reason.

In such cases, it is because what their children say and the situation itself may seem funny to them and they do not understand the seriousness of the situation.

Fear of the dark

The feeling of being ridiculed and disregarded prevents children from letting go of the fear of the dark, so the whole problem takes much longer in this case.

7. Don’t scare your kids too much

While this tip may seem like common sense-lined advice, just try to prevent children from coming face to face with situations that may shock them until they overcome that fear.

If your family is going through some unusual events, such as a robbery, accident, or the death of a loved one, you shouldn’t tell your children about it or prepare a milder version of the events for them.

Such a situation could shock the children’s nerves and could therefore panic at night.

8. Music

Listening to easy-to-understand and enjoyable relaxing music can help babies relax and fall asleep quickly. Then parents can simply turn the device off or set it to turn itself off after a certain period of time.

If you do this consistently, children will forget about their fears and overcome their fears after just a few weeks.

All of the above points describe key tips to help your children overcome their fear of the dark. For a mother or other family member, above all, they will be an effective tool that will allow them to help their children.

Child in the dark

This fear of the dark is not playing, pretending, or just plain bullshit. This is a real phobia and sometimes even adults suffer from it. That is why it is so important to understand this fear in order to fight it properly and help children confront it.

There is no phobia that cannot be overcome by facing it. The various methods we talked about in our today’s article will prove to be really useful for jointly countering this typical fear of the fear of the dark.

Thanks to these methods, your little ones will feel safe at home all the time, not only during the day. And that’s probably the most important thing in the world, isn’t it?

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