How Does Personality Affect Our Relationship?

Although there are certain personality types that attract us at the beginning of our relationship, we should choose the ones that best suit us and guarantee our inner balance.
How does personality affect our relationship?

Does our personality influence how we choose a life partner? You may find this new to you, or you may have always realized it.

Either way, in today’s article you will learn how each of us’ s personalities affect our love life and the relationships we build.

Personality and its types in love relationships

It very often happens that we fall in love with people with whom we would never expect. It would seem that the potential partner completely does not match our personality, but it complements us perfectly.

At other times, people who are completely different have a relationship that often causes us to suffer and be unhappy. Why is this happening?

Couple holding hands

Why do we often pay attention to people who are so different from us? The notion that opposites attract is so common that nobody ever really thinks about the theoretical explanation of this mechanism.

In one of the most recent books published on the matchmaking mechanism, Why Him? Why her? ”Rudgers University anthropologist Helen Fisher explains that there are four types of relationship personality. We will present them below.

Personality of the researcher

People with this personality see love as an adventure. They are impulsive, curious about the world , often get carried away, spontaneous and most often independent. In addition, they also have other features:

  • constant search for new impressions and experiences
  • the propensity to take risks, regardless of the consequences
  • owners of huge amounts of energy
  • creative, optimistic about the world
  • they are characterized by great flexibility of mind

The personality of the director

In this case, it is not only about domination. People with the personality of the director are characterized by logical and analytical thinking, and also common sense. They are balanced people, expressing their feelings with difficulty.

A woman with flowers and her personality

What else characterizes this personality?

  • determination and self-confidence
  • cool behavior as well as great emotional control
  • decisiveness and ease in making decisions
  • perfectionists who like to have everything under control and follow the plan as planned

Builder personality

Builder personalities are traditionalists who value family values, friends and ties with their loved ones. They are cheerful, calm people, usually taking no risks. What else are they characterized by?

  • composed, self-confident, unpretentious
  • build lasting relationships and ties
  • loyal
  • feel comfortable following certain rules, rules and routines
  • they can manage social networks with ease

The negotiator’s personality

People with the personality of a negotiator have vivid imagination, great empathy, are idealistic and experience emotions for a long time.

They are characterized by high sensitivity, and thanks to their imagination, they are endowed with an open mind as well as the ability to think outside of the ordinary. What else are they characterized by?

  • endowed with natural intuition, they can feel deeply and anticipate
  • inventive and sensitive
  • have a flexible mind and are able to empathize with others
  • idealists and altruists
  • they do not hide emotions, express them easily
  • have the potential to build relationships and social communication

How do selected personalities create the most lasting relationships?

Here are the pair combinations by personality that, according to Helen Fisher’s research, make up the most successful relationships:

1. The researcher-researcher relationship

It is normal for people who are looking for emotions and sensations in life to feel comfortable with people who have similar expectations from life. The personality of the negotiator or builder will not feel comfortable in a relationship based on spontaneity and living in the moment, while they themselves want stability and starting a family.

Bear and woman - Personality in a relationship

According to the anthropologist, they can be one of the most explosive couples, living amidst constant ups and downs. There will also be partings and returns. It will undoubtedly be a relationship full of love and turbulent experiences.

2. Builder-builder union

Partners with builder personalities value family and friends, and it is in this group that they spend the most time. They plan a future in which children undoubtedly play an important role.

They like stability, peace and control over all areas of life. All sudden, uncontrolled changes throw them off balance. The life of the builders will be peaceful and safe, without risk and unnecessary emotions.

3. Director-negotiator relationship

There are many stable relationships based on this personality schema. Analytical, direct and perfect directors feel great around sensitive, empathetic and emotional negotiators. Because they complement each other perfectly.

Rational and cool thinking meets here intuition and emotions. The reason for such a strong attraction of these two so different personalities may be the desire to hide the flaws of each of them.

Of course, the above information and conclusions are not clear. The researcher only drew attention to which personality combinations create stable and satisfying relationships.

It also points out that sensitive and emotional people looking for stability in life and everyday peace are unlikely to create a successful relationship with people who are adventurous, living in the moment and not wondering what tomorrow will be. Despite the initial fascination, crazy moments, after a while, disappointment may just come.

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