How To Detoxify The Body After The Weekend

We all know the feeling: eating and drinking on the weekend is a little out of control. Here’s how you can detox your body after a party that’s too big.
How to detoxify the body after the weekend

Maybe you had an amazing weekend with friends at a party or at the club. Or maybe it was a weekend at the beach with some friends from work. You could have fun at a wedding or a birthday party. Either way, you feel like your body is overflowing and it’s time to detoxify  it.

Below you will learn how to detoxify your body after the weekend.

Eating too much has consequences

Several times a year, especially on weekends, many people have the opportunity to eat and drink everything and in any quantity. We consume everything that is in our sight. The excess of food, alcohol and fat creates a high level of so-called free radicals in our body, which must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Too much free radicals can cause unpleasant symptoms. The most common effects of overeating and drinking are: headache, gas, heartburn, lack of energy, depression, dizziness, and a hangover.

Eating too much not only causes obesity, it also raises the level of bad cholesterol, increases the risk of heart attacks, diabetes and increased fluid retention.

If you’ve had a crazy weekend and you can’t even get out of bed the next day, or if you know you have a big party or holiday ahead of you, take note of these few tips for detoxing your body after eating or drinking too much.

How to detoxify your orgamism and eliminate toxins after overeating

Below are the most effective detoxification techniques after a weekend of fun and alcohol.

a glass and fruit

Apple cider vinegar detox

When you get up and feel dizzy, drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Yes – before breakfast, even if you don’t like the taste.

Vinegar has been shown to have diuretic and cleansing properties.

If you have a delicate stomach or the taste of vinegar is too strong for you on a Sunday morning (or afternoon), you can mix one teaspoon of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of warm or room temperature water. Drink it in one gulp.

People who have severe gastritis or chronic ulcers should not use this remedy.

Fruit juices

They must be natural and freshly squeezed. Concentrated or commercial juices are not suitable. If you cannot make them yourself, ask someone to prepare them for you.

We do not recommend that the juice be made the night before the party as it will lose many of its nutritional properties.

If, however, you live alone and know that the next day it will be difficult for you to even squeeze an orange when you have a hangover, leave it in the fridge before heading to the club.

Juices that we recommend for detoxification are best made of grapefruit, pineapple or papaya. It is extremely important not to add any sweeteners such as sugar or honey and drink it at least 15 minutes before eating breakfast or lunch.


woman drinking water

Drinking plenty of water will help you get rid of all the toxins that have built up in your body over the weekend, whether from eating or drinking.

Water contains everything your body needs to be healthy and clean. Its cleansing properties are unmatched.

You can also drink natural herbal teas, cold or hot. If your stomach hurts, try chamomile or mint . To enjoy your fresh herbs, you can plant them in several pots (they are very easy to care for and can help you with all sorts of troubles).

Fruits and vegetables

Apart from the above mentioned natural juices, it is important that you stopped for a few days of hard digestible food products , such as red meat, white flour, soda, coffee, dairy products, egg yolks, highly processed meat, fried foods, etc..

Instead, try eating more raw fruits and vegetables, especially colorful salads.

Physical activity

Another good idea to detox your body after having fun at the weekend is to exercise. Why? Well, toxins will be eliminated from the body through sweating.

If you’re not a fitness lover, try to move at least a little.

How? Use the stairs instead of the elevator, get off the metro one stop early, clean the apartment, go shopping on foot or by bike instead of car, walk a little faster than normal, etc.

Keep it quiet and calm

woman eating salad

It is very important that in addition to the four main meals of the day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner), you can also add two other small snacks (lunch and early afternoon tea).

In addition, it is very important to eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Remember that your stomach is a little bit heavy after last night and it doesn’t need any extra problems.

Try to eat regularly and don’t overeat. Eat smaller portions and try not to eat the same twice.

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