How To Get Rid Of Blackheads? Best Practices

If your skin type produces too much sebum and you don’t pay enough attention to your daily skin cleansing, you can be sure that soon the blackheads will show their ugly “heads”.
How to get rid of blackheads?  Proven methods

Blackheads can be a real nightmare as they are usually very difficult to get rid of. They look as if they are “lodged” on your nose (usually in this place) and did not intend to leave it so easily. The problem of blackheads affects not only women but also men.

Preventing or getting rid of blackheads is not that easy. If you want to fight them once and for all, you need to be patient and make sure that after removing them there are no unsightly traces on your skin.

Characteristics of blackheads

They arise as a result of the excessive production of oil in the skin, most often during the summer. The presence of blackheads should not always be associated with acne (although most people say otherwise).

Porous skin

Blackheads are not a problem that only affects adolescents. If your skin type produces too much sebum and you don’t pay enough attention to your daily skin cleansing, you can be sure that soon the blackheads will show their ugly “heads”. Getting rid of them requires a lot of time, dedication and, above all, patience.

One of the most important things on your way to overcoming them is to follow a daily skin cleansing plan (morning and evening). If you have a tendency to sweat a lot, forget to wash off your makeup before going to bed, or don’t wash your face thoroughly enough after coming home, you are at a higher risk of developing blackheads.

How many times a day you should wash your face depends on your skin type. Also, don’t forget to moisturize your face! Remember that once you get rid of your blackheads, that doesn’t mean they will never come back. To prevent this from happening, continue to take care of your skin every day. Keep your pores clean and closed. For this to happen, you need to wash your face with cold water every day.

The man in the black cap

From time to time, it is a good idea to use homemade face creams with natural exfoliants such as  oatmeal, yogurt or sugar.

How to eliminate blackheads?

There are several ways to remove blackheads from your face and restore it to its original appearance. Below are the most effective and popular tricks to overcome this problem:

  • buy glue (it may be what children use at school, important that it is not toxic). Sprinkle warm water on your face or moisten with a warm, wet towel. Then, apply the glue to the blackhead areas. Leave it to dry completely. Once it has a hard crust on your face, scratch it off. On the bottom layer of dried glue, you can see blackheads stuck on.
  • Another method is to squeeze each of them out during your daily facial cleansing. Moisten your face with a shower to widen the pores. Then, slowly and carefully press on the blackheads. If they are not placed too deep, they will come out easily. You can use tweezers to remove blackheads thoroughly. Thanks to it, you will avoid skin irritation, and the treatment will not leave any traces on it.
The man is talking on the phone
  • For the next treatment, you will need a toothbrush that you no longer need and some toothpaste. Squeeze a little toothpaste onto your toothbrush as if you are about to brush your teeth. Moisten the brush with warm water. Do the same with the face. Every day before going to bed, gently brush the area of ​​blackheads with a brush. After completing the procedure, scald the brush with boiling water each time to get rid of dirt. Finally, wash your face and apply a moisturizing cream.

How to get rid of blackheads – cont

  • Make a face lotion with the following ingredients (mixed in equal proportions): lime juice, almond oil and glycerin. Every night before going to bed, apply the lotion to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water. Such a procedure will help you get rid of not only blackheads, but also any dots and spots on your face.
Porous skin with the presence of blackheads
  • Beat the egg yolk and spread it over the entire surface of the face, paying particular attention to the blackheads. Cover your face with toilet paper or a napkin and leave it for about half an hour until it is completely absorbed and hardened. After the specified time has elapsed, gently wipe any remaining yolk from your face and wash it with warm water. Dry it.
  • Moisten your face with warm or hot water to open pores. Then, dip the edge of the towel in olive oil or almond oil. Add toothpaste. Gently but firmly apply it to the nose and other problem areas of the face. Rub in circular motions. If necessary, you can apply more of the mixture. Wait five minutes and then wash your face with warm water.
  • Put a towel on the heater and wait for it to heat up, or place it in boiling water. Put a towel on your face, taking care not to burn yourself. Let it cool for ten minutes. Then wash your face with hot water and natural soap. Wash your face with cold water to close the pores and apply a moisturizing (non-greasy) cream. Finally, with gentle massaging movements, rub the alcohol into the skin (massage for about five minutes) and wash your face again with water.

The photos are courtesy of Bradley Gordon, Orin Zebest, Juan Pablo Olmo, Michael Coghlan, Javier Cohen and Eleazar.

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