How To Make Lips Fuller?

To relax the muscles of our lips and prevent them from losing their volume, we can do facial exercises that relax them and make them fuller.
How to make lips fuller?

Everyone’s lips differ in shape and size, and it also happens that over time they lose their firmness and filling. However, it is worth knowing that aesthetic medicine or expensive cosmetics are the last resort, and there are many other ways to make the lips fuller.

In a moment you will learn a few simple home remedies that will naturally help you firm and fill  your lips. It only takes a few days to give your lips a volume and give your face a new glow and beauty.

How to make lips fuller?

Let your lips rest

One of the reasons the lips  become smaller and narrower is because of the  tightness of the facial muscles, especially around the lips. When you are nervous or stressed, you probably have tight lips and prolonged muscle tension will make them less prominent.

If you want  your lips  to feel fuller, start by checking throughout the day that they are not too tight. Additionally, you can spend a few minutes each day relaxing :

  • close your mouth and press your lips tightly, directing them inward; hold this position for 5-10 seconds
  • then relax your muscles and breathe in deeply pushing your lips out
  • repeat 10 times, 2 or 3 times a day.

Thanks to such a simple and natural method, your  lips  will quickly gain volume, firmness and healthy color.

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Boost your circulation

Another facial muscle exercise will help stimulate circulation in your mouth, which will improve its color.

  • Close  your mouth  and  vibrate your lips without pressing them too tightly. Gently blow the air out and push the lips out, making a continuous vibrating sound.

It sounds like fun for kids, but you too can do this simple exercise for 20-30 seconds to liven up your  lips.

Cleanse the skin

Just like anywhere else in your body, dead skin cells accumulate on your lips . However, it is a much more delicate skin, so it deserves special protection.

This means that the lips can also be peeled, but not more often than 1-2 times a month.

To prepare a lip scrub, you need baking soda and oil. It can be olive oil, coconut or almond oil. Mix ingredients and massage into  lips  and their contours. Then rinse with water and leave a little of the oil on your lips. This procedure is best done before going to bed to avoid leaving home with red lips.

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Moisturize your lips

Lips  are very prone to dryness, which causes them to crack and look unfavorable. If you have chapped and dry lips, you can use our way to moisturize them.

You need to use the moisturizing product in the morning and in the evening, no matter if it is a regular lipstick, oil or cocoa butter.

When preparing a face mask yourself, also use ingredients such as honey, avocado or yogurt.

How to do lip massage?

Once your lips are moisturized, you can also try a massage that will give you the following benefits:

  • enhances the moisturizing effect
  • it will improve blood circulation
  • relaxes the facial muscles
  • will give your lips volume and enhance color
  • it will make your lips fuller and more prominent.

How to massage your lips?

After moisturizing your lips, cover your entire mouth with your hand and move it horizontally to both sides, massaging not only  your lips but also nearby facial muscles. This neutralizes tension in the areas where wrinkles appear most often. Repeat the massage with the other hand. Repeat 10 times with each hand.

If you have time, you can also try the full face massage recommended by us, because it will improve your appearance and prevent wrinkles.

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