How To Make Your Own Activated Carbon Soap?

Activated carbon is used in the beauty industry. Get to know its properties! Do you know how to make activated carbon soap?
How to make your own activated carbon soap?

Activated carbon soap  effectively cleanses the skin of toxins. Find out how to prepare this cosmetic at home!

It is a black, delicate, odorless substance. It is similar to normal coal, but its active version is created by heating sawdust, wood or coconut shells.

It seems complicated to produce, but it’s just an illusion. So find out how to make your own activated charcoal soap.

Advantages of activated carbon soap

Users say that in  addition to washing, it is able to remove discoloration, unclog pores and control sebum production. It also removes shine and improves the appearance of the face.

Here are its other advantages:

  • Suitable for all skin types:  activated carbon is suitable for all skin types. It neutralizes excess sebum and at the same time cares for hydration.
  • Shrinks pores:  bacteria build up on contaminated skin. Activated charcoal soap deeply cleanses the pores.
  • It slows down aging:  it is believed that this soap reduces expression lines and makes the skin look younger.
  • Relieves acne:  acts like a magnet against the bacteria that cause acne. It also removes excess sebum that clogs the pores and prevents the formation of pimples. Mainly for this reason it is so popular.
  • Prevents infections:  activated charcoal soap removes toxins and prevents infections caused by factors we come into contact with on a daily basis.
  • Removes blemishes:  helps to lighten blemishes from the sun, scars and pigmentation changes.
  • Eliminates odors:  removes unpleasant odors caused by clogged pores by microorganisms.
Charcoal helps fight acne.

How to make your own activated carbon soap?

So, find out how to make your own activated carbon soap at home. First, make sure you have cosmetic charcoal and the right accessories: a  face mask, gloves and safety glasses.

Soap with glycerin: ingredients

  • Cosmetic activated carbon (5 grams).
  • Sulfate-free glycerin (500 grams).
  • Essential oil (10 drops).
  • Coconut oil (1 tablespoon).
  • Shea butter (1 tablespoon).

Step by step

  1. Divide the glycerin into small pieces, put them in a glass container and heat them up in a water bath, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Do not bring it to a boil or the soap will not work. Place the coconut oil and shea butter in another container.
  2. Once the glycerin has dissolved, add the oil and shea butter to it, stirring constantly. When the mass is smooth, add the essential oil, mix and turn off the burner.
  3. After it has cooled down for a few minutes,  prepare the mold and leave the mass to set at room temperature  for a minimum of 5 hours.
  4. Take it out of the mold and it’s ready!

Soap with oils: ingredients

  • Cosmetic activated charcoal in powder (10 grams).
  • Caustic soda (113.5 grams).
  • Distilled water (292 grams).
  • Cocoa butter (150 grams).
  • Babassu oil (200 grams).
  • Olive oil (500 grams).
  • Tea tree, geranium and lemon essential oils (10 drops each).
Be careful with caustic soda.

Step by step

  1. Dissolve the caustic soda in distilled water and put it in a ventilated place.
  2. Simmer the cocoa butter, babassu oil and olive oil. When they reach a temperature of 55 degrees, add melted baking soda and combine with a blender at medium speed.
  3. Add charcoal and essential oils. Mix with a blender.
  4. Pour the mixture into a mold and set aside  to cool.
  5. Cut into pieces and set aside for  40 days in an airy place. After this time, the soap is ready.

How to use activated carbon soap?

You already know how to prepare such a soap, so it’s time to learn how to use it. For sensitive skin it is used every 3 days in the morning, and for oily skin twice a day, morning and evening.

Activated carbon in creams, scrubs, masks and soaps  accelerate the removal of discoloration. You should therefore use these products once a week.

You should also remember to moisturize the skin. So try activated carbon and enjoy its benefits!

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