How To Protect Yourself From A Stroke?

How to protect yourself from a stroke?

Men are the group in society most at risk of developing a stroke. However, its frequency drastically increases with age in women. By reading today’s article, you will learn how you can protect yourself from a stroke.

A stroke occurs when not enough blood is supplied to an area of ​​the brain or it is cut off. As a result, this organ may be damaged and the patient may even die. To avoid this, you should find out how you can protect yourself from a stroke .

A study published by the Journal of Neurology found that men had the highest incidence of stroke. Despite this, the incidence of stroke also increases with age in women.

Moreover, the Spanish Journal of Cardiology found it to be the most common cause of death among women in Spain. What is this disease about? How to reduce the risk of its occurrence? By reading today’s article, you will learn the answers to these questions.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a cerebrovascular disease that affects the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. It develops when a blood vessel ruptures or becomes blocked by a clot or other molecule.

One article published in the MSD Manual explains that such a rupture or blockage disrupts the supply of blood, oxygen and glucose to that part of the brain, which are essential for its functioning. As a consequence, the nerve cells in the part of the brain affected by the stroke do not receive any oxygen. Thus, they are unable to function and die in a few minutes.

Risk factors

Smoking Man - How To Protect Yourself From A Stroke?

Most strokes are avoidable. To do this, you need to introduce habits that minimize risk factors. According to the aforementioned MSD Manual article , they include:

  • Hyperlipidemia. High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors leading to stroke.
  • Smoking. The Spanish Association of Brain Injuries, based on numerous studies, recognizes nicotine, oxidizing gases and carbon monoxide contained in tobacco as one of the main risk factors, and thus emphasizes the direct relationship between smoking and the development of stroke.
  • Diabetes. This medical condition increases your risk of developing a stroke. This is especially true of type 2 diabetes.
  • Advanced age. Research published in Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra shows that three-quarters of stroke patients are 65 years of age or older.
  • Hypertension. High blood pressure is a risk factor leading to the development of stroke.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Family history of illness and race. The risk of having a stroke increases if it has happened in a family member.

How to protect yourself from a stroke?

Given these risk factors, you need to focus on what you can change in your life to reduce your risk of a stroke. Taking this into account, the most important measures to protect against stroke include:

1. Adherence to a healthy diet

Healthy diet

As noted by the World Health Organization, a varied and healthy diet, with a high content of food products with little salt and fat, protects against, among others, the development of diabetes and heart disease.

This is why you need to include fruit, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet, as well as fish. It is also worth seeking advice from a dietitian to develop a specific diet tailored to the individual needs of each person.

2. Playing sports

A 2012 study published in the journal Neurology called for regular exercise to help reduce the risk of developing a stroke. You only need to engage in moderate-intensity sports, such as walking for an hour. However, the addition of vigorous exercise or sports can provide even greater benefits.

3. Quit smoking

If you want to protect yourself from a stroke, you need to quit smoking. Although many people find it difficult to do so, there are publications such as Smokefree , issued by the National Health Funds in various countries, that provide valuable tips and advice for people wishing to quit smoking .

4. Blood pressure monitoring

You need to keep your blood pressure at the right level. All because high blood pressure significantly increases the risk of stroke.

5. Checking cholesterol levels

Healthy cholesterol is the key to protection against stroke. The Spanish Heart Foundation reports that high cholesterol, or so-called hypercholesterolemia, occurs when cholesterol exceeds 200 mg / dl.

An article in the Mayo Clinic advises that if you have high cholesterol, you need to diet, exercise, and in some cases even start taking medications. Of course, such actions should be performed under the supervision of a physician.

High cholesterol

6. Checking blood sugar levels

Remember that your blood sugar level must also be within the limits set by doctors and specialists. Diabetics must follow their medical recommendations to the letter in order not to be exposed to episodes of hyperglycemia.

7. Reduce alcohol consumption

If you drink alcohol, be sure to consume it in moderate amounts. Moreover, if you have one or more of the other risk factors for stroke, you should completely avoid it.

How to protect yourself from stroke: the key role of habits

Remember that a healthy lifestyle helps to eliminate most risk factors. Therefore, proper nutrition, frequent exercise and reducing or completely avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol significantly reduce the risk of developing a stroke.

All these activities require daily efforts. In addition to taking medications that may be recommended by a doctor in certain cases, the greatest impact on avoiding a stroke is due to the individual efforts of each person and their struggle for a healthier lifestyle.

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