How To Quit Smoking Naturally?

Instead of a cigarette, you can hold or chew licorice in your mouth to help combat the nervousness of smoking.
How do I quit smoking naturally?

Anyone who has ever tried to quit smoking  knows that it is not easy. The power of habit and addiction is greater than the desire to quit smoking.

Thousands of people around the world are looking for an effective way to  quit smoking  and thus improve their quality of life.

How do I quit smoking naturally?

Smoking cigarettes causes many serious diseases, including cancers of the lung, mouth, throat and esophagus. This addiction also negatively affects the kidneys, bladder, pancreas and circulatory system.

All these health problems are caused by the toxic substances contained in cigarettes, which are inhaled not only by the smoker, but also by people around him.

Quit smoking people often fear the possible side effects of quitting smoking. Of course, it cannot be denied that quitting smoking is not easy, but the troublesome symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will disappear sooner or later.

Much depends on the psyche and strong will of a person. If you want to quit smoking too, read this article and find out some natural ways to get rid of this unhealthy habit!


When you feel like smoking, reach for a piece of licorice root. This is a great way, as it perfectly imitates the habit of holding a cigarette, and additionally increases the aversion to tobacco.

What’s more, licorice also has properties that will help you cleanse the body of toxins.


Sunflower seeds are a great snack to help you fight your compulsive urge to smoke.

Sunflower seeds

You can eat sunflower seeds alone or in addition to different recipes. Although they are addictive, eating them is really healthy.


Chamomile infusions will also help you quit smoking. To make chamomile tea, add a teaspoon of chamomile to a cup of boiling water, let it brew, and drink it twice a day.


Valerian has a soothing and calming effect, making it an excellent remedy for the cravings and troubled nerves of a person who wants to quit smoking.

Valerian - Calms you down and helps you quit smoking

Prepare an infusion of valerian by adding 15 g of this plant’s root to the water and let it brew overnight, or choose valerian capsules. Its properties will allow you to relax and improve the quality of your sleep.

Fruit and vegetable juices will help you quit smoking

Fruits and vegetables will not only reduce your urge to smoke, but also help you cleanse your body and combat your craving for nicotine. Thanks to fruits and vegetables, you will fight dangerous free radicals and get rid of toxins accumulating in your body because of this unhealthy habit.

If you want to quit smoking, start by drinking your own homemade fruit juices regularly with vegetables such as carrots, celery, onions and spinach.


Another natural remedy to help you fight your smoking addiction is ginger. To stop yourself from lighting a cigarette, just throw a piece of ginger root.

Fresh and powdered ginger

It has a rather intense spicy flavor, but remember that it is really worth trying this method.

Garlic helps you quit smoking

Garlic is a plant with amazing cleansing properties and can also help you stop smoking. To use garlic to fight addiction, eat 2 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. Then 2 cloves of garlic and a glass of lemon juice before lunch and then 2 before dinner.

This is a great way to quit smoking, but is not recommended for people with low blood pressure or those taking anticoagulant medications.


Oats, and especially oat water, have many health benefits, especially when it comes to cleansing your body of harmful substances.

Oat flakes

Oat water is used in many weight loss diets. However, its ability to scavenge free radicals can also be useful when you want to quit smoking.

To make oat water, add 2 tablespoons of ground oats to a glass of water, boil it and eat it after meals. It will also alleviate the side effects you may feel when you decide to quit smoking.

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