How To Reduce Lower Back Pain Naturally?

How to reduce lower back pain naturally?

To reduce lower back pain, you need to combine different methods. Thanks to this, you will get the maximum benefit from them and speed up the recovery process.

Back pain is a very common ailment that affects adults. They can cover the entire back area and the pain can become extremely intense. However, it is the pain located in their lower part that causes the greatest discomfort. This is why you should know how to reduce lower back pain .

Estimates suggest that around 80% of adults have experienced lower back pain at least once in their lifetime and have looked for different ways to reduce it.

The American Chiropractic Association says lower back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Statistics compiled by this organization show that more than half of the working population in the United States suffer from backache year on year.

That is why people are constantly looking for methods, including natural remedies, that will allow them to get rid of discomfort.

The main causes of lower back pain

The lower back is often subjected to numerous stresses as it carries the weight of the entire upper body. The weight of the upper body rests on the spine, made of stacked vertebrae and discs.

Woman With Back Pain - How To Reduce Lower Back Pain?
A sedentary lifestyle plays a significant role in the development of lower back pain.

The discs act as shock absorbers to prevent the vertebral bones from touching each other. However, with age, they begin to wear out and damage appears in them. This is why injuries are more common.

Such wear and tear occurs over time, due to overwork or lack of exercise. It causes temporary pain or stiffness, and in some cases turns into chronic pain that has a constant negative impact on the daily life and well-being of those affected.

The lower back is the area where the greatest changes take place over time. There are several reasons for this:

  • A person engages in activities that require tremendous physical exertion, incorrect posture, and uncomfortable movements.
  • A person with back pain sits for a long time without moving.

How to reduce lower back pain naturally?

In any case, you should consult a doctor who will be able to identify the true cause of the pain. However, despite numerous techniques and technological advances, it is often difficult to find the original problem that caused the patient’s back pain.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to go through this process in order to choose the right therapy. Fortunately, there are some natural methods you can use to reduce lower back pain. Thanks to this, you will not have to interrupt your daily activities.

Besides, you should remember that in order to get a proper diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. The following natural pain relief measures only help to reduce symptoms, but not cure anything.

1. Cold and warm

Direct application of cold and warm compresses is quite an effective natural therapy that works well in reducing back pain. These temperature changes help reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow in the area affected by physical work injury or overload.

They bring relief even when the pain occurs due to the tension caused by staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time.

  • You can put bags filled with cold water, filled with pieces of ice or chilled gel, wrapped in a towel directly on the place that hurts you. Thanks to this, you will reduce inflammation.
  • Then use a hot water compress or step into a bathtub with warm water to stimulate circulation. This method relaxes the muscles and reduces discomfort.

2. Garlic can reduce lower back pain

Garlic may prove to be another useful natural remedy for backache. All because it contains allicin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Eating it raw is the best way to reduce back pain.

Garlic in a bowl
The health benefits of garlic are well known. It works especially as an anti-inflammatory agent and may reduce lower back pain.

Besides, you can apply this pain reliever topically. For this, you need to make garlic oil.


  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of coconut oil


  • Heat the oil in a pan, then add the garlic cloves to it. Fry them over low heat until they are golden brown.
  • Then strain them and store the oil in the glass jar.
  • You can also make a cold ointment. To do this, add garlic to the oil and set aside for 5-10 days.

3. Physical activity

Exercise is an excellent natural therapy to reduce muscle and lower back pain. You can start with a training plan that includes low-intensity daily exercise, such as light stretching, swimming, and walking. This is a great way to deal with stiffness in this area of ​​the body.

A sedentary lifestyle has a negative effect on the health of the muscles in the lower back. Therefore, you should exercise to strengthen them and prevent further injury from occurring. The stronger your muscles are, the less ailments you will experience.

4. Getting enough sleep

While you sleep, your body releases endorphins, which may be as effective as a pain reliever. As the body produces endorphins, the pain signals recorded in the brain start to diminish slightly.

Sleeping woman
Adequate rest helps to properly position the lumbar spine area. A restful sleep may prove to be the best solution to many health problems.

Restful sleep reduces the anxiety, stress and depression associated with chronic lower back pain. It turns out that people suffering from lower back pain often struggle with sleep disorders as well.

We hope you found today’s article helpful.

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