How To Take Care Of The Skin During Menopause?

Thanks to its moisturizing properties, avocado prevents the skin from drying out, and the natural fats it contains help with cell regeneration to avoid the appearance of wrinkles too early.
How to care for your skin during menopause?

As is well known, menopausal women undergo hormonal changes that affect both their well-being and the state of their body. Although these changes may seem unnoticeable at first, they become more and more visible over time. During the menopause , a woman’s skin is much more likely to dry out, and the aging process is much faster. It is also possible that at this stage the first wrinkles will start to appear and the skin will start to lose its elasticity.

There are many cosmetic products on the market that aim to reduce the signs of aging that show up in the menopause process. Nevertheless, these are usually very expensive products that do not always bring the desired effect. Or maybe you would like to know a cheaper and natural alternative?

Take care of your skin during menopause

Plants to help care for the skin and prevent wrinkles

There are many plants that show great properties in reducing the signs of aging and are an excellent option to properly care for your skin and prevent the appearance of  wrinkles  during the menopause. The most important functions of these plants include:  moisturizing the skin, providing it with the necessary collagen and preventing discoloration, so that you can enjoy beautiful and young skin for longer.

So let’s move on to discussing the properties of these amazing plants that bring so many benefits to our skin.


Without a doubt, aloe is the most famous plant used in natural cosmetics and indispensable in skin care treatments. It has been confirmed that, thanks to its properties, it acts on the dermis, i.e. the deepest layer of the skin under the epidermis, making a large amount of minerals (magnesium, sodium, calcium and iron), amino acids and vitamins penetrate deep into our skin.

Aloe leaf

The perfect combination of many components allows aloe to regenerate skin cells. This is why  using aloe vera for facial treatments brings so many benefits : moisturizing the skin, scarifying wounds, eliminating discoloration, renewing the epidermis, and more. For this reason, aloe vera is one of the most effective plants for the care of skin of all ages and to fight the signs of aging.

Anti-wrinkle therapy with the use of aloe.

For this treatment you will need:

  • Aloe
  • Cold water
  • A clean towel

How to conduct it?

At the very beginning, you need to wash your face thoroughly to prepare it for the treatment. Then, use the aloe vera pulp to prepare a mask that you will cover the entire face. Leave the mask on the skin for about 20 minutes, then cleanse your face with cold water and wipe it with a clean towel, gently massaging it. That’s all.

It is recommended to repeat the described treatment at least 3 times a week, preferably at night.

Avocados for menopause symptoms

Another natural remedy for beautiful skin is avocado, which has many moisturizing properties. It is for this reason that it is one of the most widely used fruits in the cosmetics industry. It has been proven to provide numerous skin benefits and is very useful for reducing the signs of aging.

Avocados make the skin supple and moisturized, and its natural fats prevent dryness and help regenerate cells, thus avoiding the early appearance of wrinkles . This natural alternative is a great ally of the skin, especially nowadays when pollution is so high. So, avocados are a great way not only to fight the signs of aging, but also to prevent skin dryness and the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Anti-wrinkle therapy with the use of avocado.

With this avocado-based treatment, you will be able to use the fruit’s properties to combat the inevitable signs of aging on your skin. Besides, it is very useful for moisturizing the skin when it is dry and tired.

Avocados are a great fruit for menopausal symptoms

You will need:

  • Three slices of avocado
  • 5 drops of almond oil
  • A fork

What should you do?

Mash three avocado slices with a fork to form a kind of homogeneous mass. Next, add 5 drops of almond oil and mix well for about a minute. After preparing the mask, apply it mainly to the eye area and leave it for 10 minutes. Thanks to this, you will be able to eliminate the bags that form under the eyes, and at the same time you will prevent the formation of wrinkles.  

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