Hydrogen Peroxide – 8 Practical Applications

When you mix hydrogen peroxide with water, you get an oral disinfectant. Gargling with it may also ease his pain. Just remember not to swallow it.
Hydrogen peroxide - 8 practical uses

Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) is a popular measure, which can be found in first aid kits most people. As a rule , hydrogen peroxide is used to treat and disinfect wounds – you can safely call it a powerful antibiotic that protects the skin against various types of microorganisms.

However, there are also many other ways to use it, both for health and beauty.

Before we start describing them, we would like to point out that hydrogen peroxide should be bought at a pharmacy or grocery store. It should be packed in a dark bottle and have a value of 3% (maximum 5%) – otherwise it may be harmful to your health.

1. Hydrogen peroxide in the fight against acne

Despite the large variety of treatments available today, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of skin problems, only some people are aware of the great effects this remedy can offer.

Acne skin before and after - hydrogen peroxide as a remedy

How to use?

  • At the very beginning, you need to wash your face or other acne affected area, and then apply hydrogen peroxide to the area with a cotton swab.
  • Hydrogen peroxide should not be applied to the entire skin – it  can cause dryness and an unpleasant feeling of irritation. 

2. Hydrogen peroxide and wound disinfection

Without a doubt, it is one of the most common uses of hydrogen peroxide. It has bactericidal properties and perfectly disinfects the area around the wound. 

How to use?

  • Just make sure your hands are clean, then dip a cotton ball or piece of gauze in hydrogen peroxide and put it over the wound.

3. Hydrogen peroxide as a natural remedy for foot and nail fungus

Mycosis of the feet and nails is an irritating and painful problem. It is important to take action to combat it as it can negatively affect the health of your feet.

How to use?

  • In both cases, we recommend that you prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 4, and then soak your feet in it for 20 minutes.
  • You should repeat this treatment two or three times a day to get rid of foot or nail fungus as soon as possible.

4. Hydrogen peroxide as a way to soothe sore throats and colds

The bactericidal properties of hydrogen peroxide help soothe a sore throat and other ailments that arise in us. 

How to use?

  • Mix the plain water and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions and gargle with it. Remember not to swallow the mixture.
  • You can also prevent colds and flu this way – you fight the bacteria that cause them.

5. Hydrogen peroxide as a hair bleaching agent

One of the most popular uses of hydrogen peroxide in the world is for bleaching hair. You can also use it to lighten the hair above your upper lip.

Washing your hair - hydrogen peroxide can help

This method is not recommended for people with very dark hair – it can give them a yellowish or orange shade.

How to use?

  • Mix equal amounts of plain water and hydrogen peroxide together, then pour all into the sprayer and spray onto the area of ​​hair you want to lighten.
  • Or you can add a little hydrogen peroxide to your shampoo and then just wash your hair.

6. Hydrogen peroxide in oral care

The antiseptic properties of hydrogen peroxide make it a good ingredient in homemade mouthwashes. It kills the bacteria that cause bad breath very well.

How to use?

  • Mix 1.5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoons of water and rinse your mouth with the mixture before brushing your teeth.
  • Some people use hydrogen peroxide for this purpose without diluting it, but this is not recommended as it can irritate the inside of the mouth

7. Hydrogen peroxide in the process of eliminating discoloration

Thanks to the bleaching properties of hydrogen peroxide, you can easily reduce the appearance of dark discoloration on the face caused by excessive sun exposure or hormonal changes.

Solar discoloration

How to use?

  • Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and press it gently over the affected areas.

8. Cleaning the ears with hydrogen peroxide

Earwax build-up can be both annoying and harmful to your hearing. Hydrogen peroxide helps to remove earwax and prevents infections of the inner ear. 

How to use?

  • Mix a tablespoon of warm water with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and pour a few drops of the mixture into each ear.

As you can see, hydrogen peroxide has many uses in body and beauty care. Be sure to use them!

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