Improve Kidney Function – Find Out About Products That Will Help You In This

There are many foods that can help us improve kidney function. Especially due to the fact that they have cleansing properties and prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Improve kidney function - find out about products that will help you

There are many foods, including certain fruits and vegetables, that can improve kidney function. Chronic kidney disease is a major health problem today.

It is estimated that the prevalence of these ailments will double in the next 10 years, mainly due to the progressive aging of the population. But other chronic disease processes such as diabetes and obesity also contribute to this.

It is therefore of utmost importance to eat both fruits and vegetables to help improve kidney function. But it has to go hand in hand with adherence to other dietary guidelines that practically act as real preventive measures. If we follow all of these tips, we can slow the progression of the disease and prevent related cardiovascular complications.

Proper nutrition can improve kidney function

The kidneys are the organs responsible for removing waste substances from the body. As blood passes through them, the kidneys filter them, trapping products to be eliminated from the body. In addition, they also regulate body fluids and electrolytes.

In severe kidney disease, these organs stop working normally. Therefore, in such cases, patients should monitor their fluid and certain food intake.

Kidney problems
The kidneys play an important regulatory function in our body.

Modifying your diet can really improve kidney function. These are not just general suggestions for a healthy lifestyle, but recommendations that, along with medications and dialysis, form an essential part of treatment.

Diet is essential for the treatment and prevention of other related diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

A diet for people with kidney problems should meet the following criteria:

  • Varied
  • Sustainable
  • Providing the right amount of energy.
  • Orderly
  • Customized.
  • Properly completed

Later in this article, we’ll talk about 5 fruits and vegetables that can help improve kidney function.

1. Chicory

Nutritionally, in addition to its high water content, chicory is also particularly rich in minerals and vitamins. In the first place, we can mention calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and sodium in its composition . As for vitamins, it is rich in vitamins A, C as well as B vitamins.

2. Onions or shallots

Onions are one of the most used vegetables in meals around the world. Layer by layer, onion has many benefits. However, the main benefit in improving kidney function is its diuretic properties. This means that eating onions stimulates urine output.

Onion to improve kidney function
This food plays an important cleansing role, thanks to which it positively affects the health of our kidneys.

The results of a scientific study published in the Journal of Medical Food confirm the ability of onions to effectively activate kidney function and facilitate the elimination of fluid from the body.

In addition, it is a food product that also brings a ton of other benefits as we have already said. Let’s go over some of them:

  • It has an anti-diabetic effect.
  • Supports digestion.
  • Strengthens and supports the immune system.
  • It soothes some respiratory ailments.

3. Carrots

It is a vegetable known for its benefits when it comes to improving eyesight. However, it also has many other properties, in this case diuretic properties are important for the kidneys.

Like previous vegetables, carrots have a high water content which improves kidney function. Consuming carrots facilitates urine secretion and excretion, thereby helping to break down kidney stones.

Besides, carrots are really good at improving eyesight. This action, known since ancient times, is associated with the most important ingredient contained in carrots. Beta-carotenes have a strong protective effect, thanks to which they prevent premature aging. Consuming beta-carotene protects the retina of the eye and prevents the appearance of cataracts.

4. Cranberry

Cranberries, in particular, are ideal for fighting infection and improving peripheral circulation. Red cranberry juice has an amazing antiseptic and antibiotic effect on bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, especially Escherichia coli .

Blueberries can improve kidney function
In addition to being delicious fruits, cranberries contain antiseptic substances that actively support the urinary tract.

In addition, cranberries contain quinic acid, a substance that acidifies the urine, thus preventing the formation of calcium or kidney stones. In short, if you want to improve your kidney function, eat cranberries.

5. Other foods that can help you improve kidney function

The fruits and vegetables mentioned in this article aren’t the only foods recommended for people looking to improve their kidney function. There are still many foods that are beneficial to the functioning of the kidneys. Among other things, we can mention the following products:

  • Tangerine
  • Lemon
  • Cucumber
  • Fresh asparagus
  • Peas
  • Mushrooms and mushrooms

However, if you suffer from any kind of kidney problem, don’t hesitate to contact a professional to establish a good treatment plan. A specialist physician should also provide you with an appropriate nutritional guide to correct the problem.

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