Improve The Work Of The Liver – 5 Drinks That Will Help You In This

To improve the work of the liver and speed up the cleansing of the body of accumulated toxins, be sure to include these drinks in your daily diet. They will be a tasty and healthy addition to your menu.
Improve liver function - 5 drinks that will help you with this

Improving the work of the liver is an extremely important step on the way to our health and well-being. It turns out that how this extremely important organ of our body functions is influenced by many factors, including unhealthy habits that, unfortunately, many of us maintain.

Inadequate diet, high body fat and other such factors cause the liver to malfunction. It cannot be denied that it is also influenced by the consumption of alcohol and some medications we take.

Nutrition specialists say that we can improve the work of the liver by, among others, reaching for products from all nutritional groups: grains, fresh vegetables, fruits, fiber, protein and healthy fats contained in olive oil, salmon and avocado, among others.

In today’s article, we’re going to share with you some tips on what are the best natural drinks to include in your diet to improve liver function. Be sure to find out and try!

1. Beet juice to improve liver function

The ideal way to improve the work of the liver is to drink vegetable juices.

Thanks to them, we will effectively eliminate the remnants of processed food that remain in our liver. As a result, we will rest better during sleep, while our liver will work calmer and more harmoniously.

Be sure to try this delicious and healthy drink.


  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 lemon
  • 1.5 tablespoons of fennel (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)

A method of preparing

  • First, wash all ingredients thoroughly. It’s important to cut both the beetroots and the carrots into pieces. This will make mixing them easier.
  • Squeeze the lemon juice and put it in a food processor to blend it thoroughly with the rest of the products. Also add a glass of water. Remember about a little dill, it has a great effect on the work of the liver.
  • Once your drink is ready, drink it 2-3 times a week, in the first hours of the day.

2. Grapefruit, plum and orange juice


  • 1 grapefruit or pomelo
  • 1 orange
  • 3 plums
    Red juice to improve liver function
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) – optional

A method of preparing

  • This natural juice is perfect for improving the work of the liver. This is a great way to start your day. Whenever possible, use organic fruit that is free from pesticides and preservatives.
  • Squeeze the lemon and orange juice, then peel the plums and cut them into pieces.
  • Put everything in the food processor cup, adding a glass of water to it. Thanks to this, the drink will get the perfect consistency. Blend for a few minutes. If you feel the need to sweeten the whole thing, use a little honey. By reaching for this drink, you will be able to improve the work of the liver.

3. Cucumber, kale and lemon juice


  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 cup of kale (100 g)
  • 1 lemon juice
    Green juice
  • 1 cup of spinach (100 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of grated lemon peel (20 g)
  • 1 cup of water

A method of preparing

  • The preparation of this drink is very simple. We’ll start by squeezing the lemon juice. Then, using a grater, grate about 20 g of lemon zest and save it. It will serve us as an addition to our medicinal drink aimed at improving the work of the liver.
  • In a food processor cup, put kale, spinach, half a cucumber, a glass of water and lemon juice.
  • Keep mixing until you get a homogeneous consistency. Then add the lemon zest to it. You will surely love its taste. Drink 10 minutes before main meals.

4. Apple, beetroot, celery and ginger juice


  • 1 apple
  • A little beetroot
  • 1 sprig of celery
  • 1/2 cucumber
    Healthy vegetable juice
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)

A method of preparing

  • It is one of the best natural vegetable juices: it energizes, cleanses and provides plenty of vitamins. It is perfect for every moment of the day. To improve the work of the liver, we recommend that the juice is made of natural ingredients, free from preservatives and pesticides.
  • To prepare this juice, you only need to thoroughly wash all the ingredients and cut them into small pieces to facilitate mixing. You don’t need to peel the apple.
  • Put all the ingredients in a food processor, and remember about blended ginger. Mix until the drink is uniform, without lumps.
  • To make the drink a little more fluid, you can add a glass of water to it. Drink for health!

5. Natural coconut, beetroot and carrot juice


  • 1 cup of coconut water (200 ml)
  • 1 beetroot
  • 2 carrots

A method of preparing

  • This natural drink is recommended to improve the functioning of the liver and take care of its health. Thanks to coconut water, rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals, we will enable a proper detox.
  • To obtain juice, the carrots and beets must be washed thoroughly. Then, cut them into pieces and, as is the case with previous drinks, place the whole in the blender.
  • Once everything is thoroughly mixed, add a glass of coconut water. The result is as delicious as it is healthy. Don’t hesitate to drink this juice every morning.
Carrot juice to improve liver function

In conclusion, it is not difficult to improve the work of the liver and take care of its health, as long as we take care of proper eating habits. Be sure to choose your favorite juice and prepare it. Your body will thank you for it.

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