Indigestion Diet

Indigestion is one of the most common stomach problems. So find out how to alleviate it with the right diet.
A diet for indigestion

Many parameters determine what your diet should look like  for indigestion, a condition that causes discomfort around the stomach, caused by a  Helicobacter pylori infection  or recurrent reflux.

Learn how to alleviate your symptoms with a diet without making changes to your lifestyle. If, despite following our advice, the problem persists, consult a specialist for a more specific diagnosis of its causes.

A diet for indigestion

Here is an overview of the products recommended and prohibited for indigestion. Modify your diet to relieve symptoms.

Recommended products

Fish and lean meats are recommended for people with indigestion. They provide the protein necessary for tissue regeneration. They contain little fats, which slow down the emptying of the digestive tract and cause discomfort.

It is best to choose fish and white meat – it is easier to digest. As stated in the  Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , the first step is to limit your fat intake to prevent acid reflux, which worsens indigestion.

Lean meats and fish provide protein. In addition, they cover the need for important micronutrients and support metabolism. They also contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, it is worth eating fermented foods that contain probiotics. Examples include yogurt or kefir. Regular consumption of probiotic bacteria has been shown to  reduce indigestion  and other digestive problems.

Lean meat improves bowel function and prevents acid reflux.

Non-Recommended Products

It is recommended to limit the consumption of refined flour and sugar. These products worsen the condition of the digestive system.

What’s more, experts say people with indigestion usually have trouble absorbing fructose. This has a negative effect on digestion and sugar metabolism.

On the other hand, it is imperative to limit your fiber intake. A certain amount is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines, but excess amounts delay gastrointestinal emptying and negatively affect digestion.

Therefore, it is  worth limiting the consumption of pasta and cereals. Better to choose bulbous plants as a carbohydrate source.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to limit the supply of fat. It is better to avoid frying and breading the dishes as they cause reflux and are difficult to digest. Baking, steaming or grilling are better options.

What’s more, sauces are also not recommended for people with indigestion. They increase the number of calories in the diet, slow down the emptying of the digestive tract, and cause stomach discomfort.

Prohibited products

People with indigestion should exclude certain foods from the diet. These include alcohol and irritants such as chocolate.

Regular alcohol consumption is a risk factor for indigestion, according to studies. Alcoholic beverages are often drunk along with beverages sweetened with artificial sweeteners. These are also not recommended.

It is a good idea to limit your consumption of spicy foods  as they are irritating. Research confirms that eliminating them from the menu alleviates stomach discomfort.

Chocolate is one of the foods to avoid in case of indigestion.

Indigestion can be relieved with a proper diet

A proper diet relieves the symptoms of indigestion. It is worth determining its causes to plan treatment more specifically,  but lifestyle changes are not insignificant.

If you have stomach problems, reduce your fiber and fat intake and increase the consumption of fermented foods. Also discuss with your doctor including probiotic supplements in your diet.

Remember that alcohol and spicy food irritate the stomach. It is better to limit their consumption to avoid complications. If in doubt, consult a specialist.

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