Influence Of Breathing On The Brain – How To Consciously Use It?

Calm and deeper breathing can help reduce feelings of stress or anxiety and even improve concentration.
Influence of breathing on the brain - how to consciously use it?

The brain is one of the most important organs in our body, and at the same time one of the most sensitive. Its functioning depends on all the changes taking place in our body, such as glucose levels, heart rate, etc. Therefore, the effect of breathing on the brain is also very important .

Breathing is the process by which we obtain oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from our lungs. Our body needs oxygen for all the reactions that allow us to live and function properly.

This mechanism works automatically. This means that we usually breathe unconsciously and therefore not pay attention to how we do it. However, we can consciously control our breathing.

The effects of breathing on the brain have been studied more extensively in recent years . By learning more about this topic, scientists have been able to develop breathing techniques that can help us in many aspects of our lives. In this article, we will introduce you to this topic.

What is the effect of breathing on the brain?

For centuries, breathing has been of great importance, especially in the eastern regions. In fact, breathing has become a major component of meditation techniques and various disciplines such as yoga.

Until recently, the effects of breathing on the brain were unknown. Research at Stanford University has shown that the relationship between breathing and relaxation is scientifically based and related to the brain’s mechanisms of action.

It’s common to hear that doctors or therapists recommend deep breathing to deal with stress or panic.However, the mechanism by which this occurs has until now been unknown. Well, the aforementioned research showed the existence of a special group of neurons in the brain responsible for this effect.

There are approximately 350 neurons governed by the central nervous system. What sets them apart from the rest is that the faster our breathing is, the more their activation increases. This is a very important fact because these neurons send stimuli to other parts of the brain. Which ones in particular?

These are areas related to feelings of panic, stress and sleep. Therefore, one of the effects breathing has on the brain is directly related to these sensations.

Woman practicing yoga
Techniques like yoga have long emphasized the importance of breathing

What is the conclusion?

This effect of breathing on the brain allows us to analyze our breathing patterns and adapt them to every moment of our lives. As already mentioned, slow and gentle breathing reduces the activation of these neurons.

So by regulating the rhythm of our breathing, we could reduce the levels of stress and anxiety. And even deal with panic situations much more effectively. This type of breathing is called controlled, rhythmic, or deep breathing. It involves breathing with the diaphragm instead of mobilizing the chest.

This is what yoga and meditation are all about. In fact, special breathing techniques have also been developed during labor to better manage the delivery of the baby.

On the other hand, we can also use this effect of breathing on the brain in the opposite direction. We can breathe faster and more dynamically in order to be activated. Although it is logical that we find more uses of breathing to seek peace.

Yoga and pregnant woman
Breathing techniques aimed at relaxing and reducing stress are very useful in pregnancy

To sum up

Like all other tissues in our body, brain tissues need oxygen to perform their functions. However, recent research has shown that there is a different effect of breathing on the brain.

Some neurons have been shown to become more active when we breathe faster. These neurons are linked to levels of stress and fear. Therefore, controlling our breathing can be a weapon to face the problems of our daily lives.

Controlling breathing is therefore a skill that must be learned. For this purpose, you can use the help of many specialized people. You can also go to experts in an art such as meditation, where breathing is a fundamental aspect.

The idea is to be aware of the importance of the effect our breathing has on the brain. It’s also worth paying attention to the way we breathe most often and practice deeper and slower breathing. In this way, we simultaneously exercise our awareness of our own body. Maybe this technique will help you noticeably control your emotions.

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