Intimate Infections – Simple Treatments

In addition to proper personal hygiene, it’s also important to make sure your diet isn’t contributing to the growth of fungi and bacteria. Always avoid flour and refined sugar.
Intimate infections - Simple treatments

Recurrent  intimate infections  are a problem faced by many women. These infections are accompanied by many unpleasant ailments such as burning, itching, irritation, excessive urination and many more.

General discomfort and pain not only make life difficult, but also have a negative impact on intimate relationships. Fortunately, you will learn some simple treatments in a moment. Try homemade natural remedies for  intimate infections.

Intimate infections – Simple treatments

A pinch of baking soda

Apply a little baking soda directly to the labia to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Also remember that ordinary soaps and gels are not suitable for intimate hygiene because their pH is not appropriate. Instead, choose organic natural soaps made of glycerin or coconut oil. You can also make a mixture of baking soda and warm water.

baking soda


Garlic is the most effective natural remedy in the fight against fungi and parasites, as you can find out by reading our other articles on this topic.

You probably already know that garlic will help you effectively strengthen your immunity and fight various types of infections. But did you know that there is also a more direct way to use garlic for intimate infections?

Take a clove of fresh garlic and prick it with a fork or toothpick to bring out its properties. Then wrap it in sterile gauze and place it directly into the vagina, leaving some of the material outside to facilitate removal of the garlic at a later time.

This method should be used overnight for 3 days in a row.

Garlic for intimate infections

Vaginal irrigation

For vaginal irrigation, it is best to use a silicone syringe or a pear similar to the one used for an enema. The fluid is sucked inside the pear, then the other end is placed directly into the vagina. As a result of pressing, the fluid flows inward. Such a remedy for intimate infections should be kept in the center of the body for a few minutes, then rinsed out.

Make sure that the rinse used for vaginal irrigation is always at room temperature.

What to prepare a mouthwash from?

  • Thyme:  Thyme is a medicinal plant used to fight various infections. It can boast a wide range of disinfecting and antibacterial properties. It can be used on any part of the body, as it does not change the pH, even when the infusion is quite concentrated.
  • Yogurt and salt water: The  combination of these two ingredients is a great natural remedy that will help you rebuild your vaginal flora and restore a healthy pH. Mix the yogurt with salt water in a 1: 1 ratio and mix thoroughly.
  • Unpasteurized apple cider vinegar Vinegar is another traditional and extremely cheap method of treating intimate infections It supports the restoration of a healthy bacterial flora and combats disease-causing microorganisms. Mix 2 tablespoons of unpasteurized vinegar per liter of water.
  • Probiotics:  Probiotics, such as lactobacilli, can be taken orally for intimate infections. You can also mix the contents of the capsules with water and use the prepared mixture for vaginal irrigation. This is a much more direct and effective method.

Other ways

As with many diseases, intimate infections should be viewed from different angles. In addition to the methods described above, it is also important to change the diet, to give up harmful habits and addictions, as well as to cleanse the body in general, if necessary, also under the supervision of a specialist.

Primrose capsules containing omega-6 acid can also help with intimate infections. It is also important to eliminate refined sugars and flour from your diet.

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