Joy And Happiness – Find Motivation And Fight For It

Happiness is a personal, subjective concept that depends on each person and their environment. However, enjoying life is also a choice.
Joy and happiness - Find and fight for motivation

When we were little, everything seemed so much easier, more pleasant, and we were filled with eternal joy and happiness. Nevertheless, as we grow up, our path through life makes us forget our dreams.

With time, we program ourselves in such a way that we finally fall into the vicious cycle of a comfortable life. In this way, we become the slaves of routine. We are losing this vision of life in which joy and happiness are important, as well as a life full of satisfaction.

However, each of us has the power to define our own state of being and the path our life follows.
Our mood determines the path of our life. You decide what condition you are in; you are the captain of your own happiness.
Alfredo Culebro

Joy and happiness and motivation

Matthieu Ricard, the happiest man in the world, describes “happiness as a deep feeling of peace and fullness.”

Ricard states that any person can find true joy and happiness. He finds them through wisdom, altruism, compassion and putting aside mental toxins. This applies to hatred, greed and ignorance.

In the same way, the Dalai Lama in The Book of Happiness claims that people themselves create conditions that undermine joy and happiness. This is due to negative mental tendencies, emotional responses, or the inability to appreciate and use our internal resources.

On the other hand, just as humans have the power to cause their own suffering, they also have the ability to generate joy.

joy and happiness happy woman

According to the Dalai Lama, the key to happiness is within us. It includes the attitudes and reactions that we choose and apply in our daily lives. Likewise, motivation is a fundamental element in achieving our goal of joy and happiness.

Ricard, as mentioned earlier, maintains that people have the ability to influence themselves, to feel joy and happiness as well as contentment whenever they want to.

However, if our goal is altruistic and sincere, we will be much more likely to enjoy each day with passion. Besides, it is contagious to other people.

What should we do to achieve joy and happiness

Michael Fordyce was one of the pioneers of positive psychology; methods and activities that aim to cultivate feelings, actions, and positive cognition. He was the creator of the “14 Basic Principles of Happiness” program.

This program is designed to get people to assume the basic qualities of happy people. They can also follow the recommendations below:

14 conditions to achieve joy and happiness:

  • Be more active and get yourself busy
  • Socialize yourself
  • Be productive in some meaningful job
  • Stay organized and plan ahead
  • Avoid worries
  • Lower your expectations and aspirations
  • Develop optimistic and positive thoughts
  • Live in the present
  • Work on a healthy personality
  • Develop an extroverted and outgoing personality
  • Be yourself
  • Eliminate negative feelings and problems
  • Close relationships are the most important resource of happiness
  • Learn to value happiness

Besides the program rules, there are other important aspects to consider.

joy and happiness woman lying on the pillow smiling

It should be taken into account that the causes of apathy can be diseases, thyroid problems, stress, chemical or mental disorders, medications, and even menopause.

Likewise, it is imperative to devote time to physical activity. The effects of body exercises have an endless list of benefits. For this reason, caring for our body is one of the keys to a life of happiness and joy.

Beware of envy

Jealousy occurs when too much emphasis is placed on materialism. As a result, one cannot get spiritual peace. Additionally, jealousy and envy will corrode all kinds of relationships. They often lead to complete emotional and physical exhaustion.

For this reason, it is important to cultivate emotions that give you joy and mental peace. Examples are knowledge and experience. In this way, we focus on our true values.

Enjoy the positive emotions

All emotions play an important role because they allow us to know ourselves.

Nevertheless, positive emotions such as forgiveness, hope, generosity, and gratitude help to neutralize these negative emotions. They not only cause pleasure, but also improve our personal, intellectual, physical, psychological and social abilities.

joy and happiness happy woman

Accepting painful experiences

Accepting painful experiences strengthens self-control and mental endurance. It will help us to develop further, even if we have experienced a tragedy.

In conclusion, to achieve joy and happiness, and the motivation that leads to them, you need willpower, fortitude, and hard work on yourself. But joy and happiness extend life, and it is for this reason that it is worth working on.

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