Kitchen Tricks – 7 Ideas That Will Make You The Queen Of The Kitchen

If you want to become the master and queen of your kitchen, be sure to learn some kitchen tricks that will make your life easier.
Kitchen tricks - 7 ideas that will make you the queen of the kitchen

Kitchen tricks, i.e. simple rules and creative ideas that make life easier and speed up all culinary tasks, will make you feel in your kitchen like a real master and queen.

Be sure to read this article to learn about kitchen tricks that will benefit not only you, but also your whole family.

1. When frying, do not constantly turn the meat over

meat and chips

Worse, meat fried in this way dries out more easily because the fat and juices that leave it remain in the pan, not inside.

Instead of removing the meat from the pan every now and then, or turning it over, it’s better to gently move it back and forth so it won’t stick to the pan.

2. Kitchen ways to check if eggs are fresh

Many people wonder how to check if an egg is fresh without breaking the shell. It turns out there are kitchen tricks to make sure you’re dealing with a fresh and good product. It will literally take you a minute.

You just need to put the egg in a glass of water. The old egg will float and the fresh one will sink and sink to the bottom. If the egg comes to a standstill about halfway, for about two more weeks, you can safely use it in the kitchen.

3. Do not eat cooked meat straight away

Freshly fried and cooked meat is very tempting to reach for it right away. However, it is worth waiting a while for the dish to take on its full flavor. Do not serve steaks and cutlets straight from the pan onto the plate. Wait for a while, and you and all household members will surely be delighted with the taste and aroma of the dish.

4. Kitchen tricks for serving soft butter

butter - kitchen tricks

If you usually store butter in the fridge, but want it to soften as quickly as possible, remember that there are kitchen tricks to achieve this goal in just a few minutes.

  • Put a glass of water in the microwave.
  • Pour the water out of the glass and hold the dish itself over a cube of butter.
  • After a few seconds, the butter will be ready for use.

5. Kitchen ways to bake like a master

If you like to use your oven, be sure to learn how to do it like a real master chef. First of all, appreciate the power of cheese – sprinkle the grated cheese on the dish a few minutes before removing it from the oven. As a result, the cheese will slightly brown, and certainly will not burn.

Another thing is to set the temperature and baking time appropriately. This prevents the food from getting burnt on the outside while remaining raw on the inside.

6. It is good practice to freeze the broth

We do not always have the time and the desire to prepare fresh soups and other dishes based on a good vegetable or meat stock every time. In order not to waste time and still enjoy these dishes, always remember to freeze part of the broth and store it in the freezer for a spare.

Remember, however, that it must be a broth prepared from the right ingredients and should be properly stored. You can, for example, pour it into ice molds. Thanks to this, they will act as a healthy stock cube, whenever you need it.

7. Use fresh herbs and spices

kitchen spices

Instead of salt or other artificial mixtures and sauces, add fresh herbs and spices to your dishes that will not only add flavor, but also provide you with many health benefits.

Depending on the dish you choose, you can experiment with the taste, color and smell. Add fresh herbs to dishes, finely chopped. They will surely release their aroma then.

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