Knee Pain – Basic Tips

Ginger helps fight knee pain and is great for your muscles. We can add it to our dishes, prepare an infusion or apply it directly to the skin.
Knee pain - basic tips

Knee pain may appear to  be a problem that only affects the elderly and athletes. Nothing could be more wrong. This ailment may appear at any age, regardless of the profession.

It can come on suddenly due to an injury and increase in intensity over time. Learn how to treat knee pain in today’s article  .

Knee pain – causes

The knee is one of the most commonly used joints. When we stand, our knees support most of our body weight. It also enables us to move.

A woman with a sore knee

Its natural consumption increases in patients over 60 years of age. But be careful! Knee pain can also appear at any age!

There are many reasons why our knees hurt. Belong to them:

  • Overweight and obesity.
  • Excessive wear and tear of joints (due to work or sports).
  • Family history of arthritis (genetic factor).
  • Age.
  • Baker’s cyst (fluid accumulation in the popliteal fossa).
  • Inflammation of bones and joints.
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease.

If we abuse our knees, the pain can also be caused by:

  • Inflammation
  • Patellar dislocation or rupture.
  • Tendon rupture.
  • Cartilage tissue damage.
  • Muscle problems.
  • A twist.

Knee Pain – How to Avoid It?

If knee pain is related to age or genetics, there is no solution for it. In other cases, it is also worth changing some habits:

Where does knee pain come from?
  • We warm up the muscles before any physical activity.
  • Try not to run downhill. It is better to go for a walk on hills.
  • It’s worth cycling.
  • Reduce the intensity of your exercise.
  • Lose unnecessary kilos.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Avoid wearing heels.
  • Also, try not to stand on your feet for many hours.

If you get knee pain …

You should react as soon as possible. At the slightest symptoms, we recommend:

  • More rest.
  • Avoiding exercises and situations that could be painful.
  • Under no circumstances should you lift weights.
  • Daily ice packs (15 minutes).
  • Raising your knees while watching TV.
  • Bandaging with an elastic bandage.
  • Sleeping with a pillow under the knee.
  • Taking mild anti-inflammatory drugs.

Home treatments

There are natural methods that you can prepare yourself at home. Thanks to them, you will effectively alleviate the symptoms and feel relief.

Remember that in case of acute pain, you should see a doctor.

Cold compresses

Ice and cold compresses are the best treatment for tendon problems and swelling.

Ice cubes

It only takes 15 minutes. Proper technique includes rest and ice packs. It works really well!

olive oil

As soon as your knee pain starts to bother you, do a gentle massage with circular movements, also using a few drops of olive oil. 

It’s about raising the temperature and facilitating absorption. When the properties of the oil enter the circulatory system, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Coconut oil is also a great solution as it relieves pain and reduces swelling. Half a cup of heated oil is enough.

Vegetables with anti-inflammatory properties.

Garlic and onions are also great. They are applied directly to the skin. Cut into slices and rub into the sore spot.


Cabbage has tremendous anti-inflammatory properties and helps fight knee pain as well.

Cabbage for knee pain

We crush a few cabbage leaves with a little water and apply it as an ointment. We wrap it with gauze and elastic bandage. We change the bandage twice a day.


Ginger has a soothing effect on muscle and joint problems, especially in the case of osteoporosis. Turmeric is another effective spice.

In both cases, it is recommended to add them to dishes and prepare infusions.


They are anti-inflammatory and improve blood circulation. They will also work well for knee pain.

We especially recommend basil, chamomile and fluffy claw (cat’s claw). Prepared infusions will relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

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