Lice In Children: Fight Them With Vinegar!

Did your child catch head lice at school or kindergarten? Act fast!
Lice in children: fight them with vinegar!

Despite its intense, unpleasant odor, vinegar is the perfect home remedy to get rid of lice in children. You can enhance its properties by combining it with other ingredients.

Lice in children is a common problem. One of them can bring them from kindergarten or school and their siblings also catch them very quickly. For this reason, it is important to use preventive measures. Always have natural lice remedies on hand!

In today’s article, we’ll show you four ways to use vinegar to get rid of the annoying lice problem. You don’t have to reach for artificial chemicals.

All you need is a vinegar base and other natural remedies such as rosemary, tea tree essential oil, garlic, eucalyptus and coconut oil.

Help, the baby has lice!

Lice in children is a very common problem. Children usually bring them from school or kindergarten. Physical contact and large groups favor the spread of parasites.

These tiny organisms live on the scalp and feed on blood. This is why their presence causes exhausting itching.

As soon as you find out that there are cases of lice infestation in your child’s school, take preventive measures immediately.

There are many different products and shampoos to tackle the lice problem. However, most of them rely on powerful chemicals that may have side effects. At the same time, these measures are not always effective against lice in children.

On the other hand, there are many natural methods that will allow you to heal your baby without the risk of side effects.

How to get rid of lice in children with vinegar: four recipes

The basis of all these recipes is vinegar. You can take advantage of its beneficial properties by treating various diseases. Vinegar is also used in home cosmetics. Surely you’ve also heard about the possibilities of using it as a cleaning agent.

When it comes to treating lice in children, the effect of vinegar is that it prevents the lice from sticking to the scalp.

What’s more, vinegar is a great disinfectant and regulates the pH level. Many people use it as a home conditioner: acidifying the hair makes it soft and shiny.

To get rid of lice in children, you can reach for apple cider vinegar or other types of it. It is best if it is natural and unpasteurized vinegar. Also remember that you can dilute all these agents with water to adjust their concentration.

You can successfully cure lice in children with vinegar combined with other ingredients.

1. Vinegar and rosemary

The first recipe is the most traditional. This is a rosemary vinegar recipe. You can easily prepare it by macerating rosemary, a medicinal plant with strong antiseptic properties.

This way you will always have your medicine ready at hand. Such a mixture will never expire, just make sure it does not air out.


  • 2 cups of vinegar (400 ml)
  • 2 to 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary

A method of preparing

  • Place both ingredients in a glass jar.
  • Screw it tightly and leave it in a dark place for a month  to form a macerate.
  • You can start using the mixture after a month and leave the remaining portion to make the macerate stronger.

2. Vinegar and tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a universal product with powerful properties. That’s why you should always have it in your medicine cabinet. This powerful essential oil  helps fight different types of pathogens: viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Tea tree oil helps fight different types of pathogens.

This makes this oil the perfect ingredient to add to your shampoo. It will work preventively. (Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to a serving of shampoo and tell your child to lather for 5-10 minutes.)


  • 1 cup of vinegar (200 ml)
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil

A method of preparing

  • Mix both ingredients in a spray bottle.
  • Shake well before each use.

3. Vinegar, garlic and eucalyptus

Garlic is always effective in home remedies. It is a natural antibiotic, so it is recommended to use it in various diseases.

On the other hand, the properties of garlic combined with its intense scent will prove useful in the lice repellent. The most important thing about garlic is that you most likely always have it in your kitchen, so it’s close at hand!

Eucalyptus has powerful health benefits.

So reach for a clove of garlic and add eucalyptus essential oil to it. Such an addition will not only enhance the effect of garlic, but also slightly neutralize its smell (without reducing the lice-repellent properties).


  • 1 cup of vinegar (200 ml)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

A method of preparing

  • Grate the garlic or squeeze it through the press. Then mix it with vinegar.
  • Drain the resulting mixture and pour it into a container, preferably a spray bottle.
  • Add eucalyptus oil.
  • Shake well before each use.

4. Vinegar and coconut oil

The final recipe for a homemade child lice remedy is based on a combination of vinegar and coconut oil. This vegetable oil is becoming more and more popular not only because of its food properties.

Coconut oil will also help you get rid of pathogens from the surface of the skin – including the scalp. In addition, it perfectly retains skin hydration!

Make a lotion by mixing the vinegar with coconut oil.


  • 1 cup of vinegar (200 ml)
  • ½ cup of unrefined coconut oil (100 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Heat the oil to dissolve it.
  • Then pour both ingredients into the jar and mix thoroughly.
  • Remember that coconut oil will solidify below 23ºC, so this balm may need to be heated before use.

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