Linseed And Its Properties

In addition to being effective in protecting the stomach, linseed water helps control blood triglyceride levels. As it is antibacterial, it works great in the fight against acne.
Linseed and its properties

Linseed is known all over the world. Millions of people use it every day because of its wonderful properties.

Flax seed is grown in many regions with a temperate climate. The most popular ones come from Canada, where low temperatures favor the concentration of essential acids and oils.

Until recently, we had no idea about the many properties of this plant. Thanks to the research carried out, there is no doubt about its effectiveness.

Linseed is used as an addition to salads, cookies and juices. In recent years, it has gained immense popularity also for care purposes.

How to use linseed?

Although you can limit yourself to eating only the seeds (as a snack or side dish), it is worth considering preparing a kind of stock.

Usually a little lemon juice is added to it to make its properties even greater. What will this brew be used for?

5 properties of a decoction of linseed

Flaxseeds are a huge source of fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that support the work of our cells.

Due to all the nutrients they contain, regular consumption of the decoction has a positive effect on health and helps to fight many ailments.

1. Strengthens the cardiovascular system

Protect the heart

A high dose of Omega-3 fatty acids helps to regulate cholesterol and triglycerides. But it is not everything!

The anticoagulant effect of linseed improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to avoid many heart ailments.

2. Regulates blood sugar levels

Flaxseed contains high amounts of soluble fiber which controls blood glucose levels. In addition, it provides alpha-linolenic acid, thanks to which we are not so dependent on the action of insulin.

3. It improves metabolism


Fiber and digestive enzymes are responsible for efficient metabolism. They prevent constipation, acidity, gas and other gastric ailments that affect our quality of life.

It is a great remedy for indigestion. In addition, it creates a kind of protective layer that effectively prevents many stomach ailments.

4. Strengthens the hair

B vitamins and vitamin E make our decoction a fantastic hair conditioner that not only strengthens but also prevents hair loss.

Essential oils, combined with antioxidants and fiber, stimulate hair growth and nourish the scalp. They have a moisturizing and anti-dandruff effect.

5. Skin care

Dry skin

To take care of the health of the skin, flaxseed can be used in two ways: as an ingredient in our diet or for external use.

It has a smoothing and antibacterial effect, which is why it regenerates and protects our skin against various ailments.

The most important properties are:

  • It soothes irritations and skin changes.
  • It brings relief in case of burns.
  • Deeply cleanses the skin and removes impurities .
  • It prevents premature aging.
  • Tones up and closes pores.
  • It helps to control the amount of sebum and fights acne.

How to prepare a decoction with linseed?

A decoction of linseed

This is a very simple recipe. It is suitable for both consumption and external use.


  • 2 tablespoons of linseed (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • One lemon juice


  • Boil a liter of water in a pot and when it starts to boil, add the flax seeds and cook for 3 minutes.
  • We take it off the fire and wait until it cools down. Drain the mixture, getting rid of the remnants of the seeds.
  • Pour the decoction into a glass jar and add lemon juice. Ready!

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