Loneliness Hurts, But Sometimes Only Pain Can Heal You

While we may be a bit afraid of it at first, loneliness can teach us many things about ourselves. For in order to feel good and develop, we sometimes have to go through suffering and pain.
Loneliness hurts, but sometimes only pain can heal you

Loneliness can be very painful at times. Suddenly, there is no one around you. Nobody accompanies you on this complicated journey that you have to go on. Why did everyone leave? Why did life condemn you to loneliness? These questions often echo in our minds when we are alone with ourselves.

Loneliness is something we perceive badly. In our society, it is considered an attribute of people who have failed in life. Sometimes, however, this is the only way we have to go through a certain stage in our lives.

Though we sometimes see it as our great enemy, it turns out that it may be the best thing that happens to us. Being alone hurts a lot, but it also heals.

Loneliness will help you heal your wounds

Sometimes life invites you to be alone with yourself, to slow down for a while. Because loneliness allows you to listen to yourself and find out where you should go now, which path to take.

It happens that we lose our path, we start to be unhappy, and each of our next days begins to be filled with suffering. In the long run, it turns out that this condition does not disappear. Until we reach a point where we feel that we can’t do it anymore.

A woman with her head bowed

No matter what we suffer. We always want to believe that the source of the problems lies outside of us. It turns out, however, that they are always inside us.

This is why loneliness should be seen as the perfect way to reconnect with yourself. To listen to our inner voice and discover what we really need to improve our lives.

That is why we should not feel sorry for ourselves if for some reason we are left alone with ourselves. Keep this in mind as we tend to be victimized at first. Questions like “Why is this happening to me?”, “I didn’t deserve it”, “For what sins?” Keep popping up in our heads .

However, this type of behavior should be stopped as soon as possible, because only in this way will we be able to give ourselves time for ourselves, pamper ourselves and fall in love with ourselves again. In this way, we will discover that the solution to our situation lies within us. Nobody else but us can do it.

Being alone allows you to become independent from others

After all, we cannot live all the time pushing our happiness to the background. And it’s for people who, sooner or later, will fail you anyway, abandoning you and causing you harm.

Loneliness teaches us to take responsibility for ourselves. We realize that our happiness does not depend on the emotional state of other people. It depends only on ourselves.

A woman sits on a swing - loneliness

Only in this way will we be able to properly deal with our emotions, feel good in our own company and not lose our balance. It won’t be necessary to look around you to hold onto it.

We are the only people responsible for our own well-being. If we put that power into the hands of other people, we suddenly find out that we are doing a lot of things wrong.

We don’t depend on anyone. Loneliness scares us, but sometimes it’s good, or even necessary, to re-realize it. People come into your life and leave it. Some enrich you, others harm you. Either way, each of these people leaves a mark on you.

Loneliness can hurt a lot

Although loneliness is an opportunity to heal your emotional wounds, we admit that it will hurt. You will be tempted to go back to the past, stay in your comfort zone and hide somewhere. However, nothing will be as easy as it used to be.

This is because we have taken a big step in life, which – although painful – is very necessary, even necessary. Loneliness gives you the opportunity to develop, move forward, overcome your fears.

You reach the point in your life where you discover that you are the person responsible for your own happiness and … you are very surprised because it turns out that it is not that simple!

When you are alone with yourself and begin to focus on yourself, you suddenly discover that you deserve what is right. Perhaps you will have a hint of guilt because you will find it selfish. But that’s what you need.

A woman is walking in a meadow at sunset

It can be exhausting when you go to great lengths not to be abandoned and try to please others every minute of your life. This is a very serious mistake.

You are the most important person in your life. You deserve attention, you deserve what is good. It’s time to stop spending so much on what you can do for others. And it is only so that they accept you and love you.

Shed the victim attitude and grasp the reins of your life. You have the strength and the will to do this. Don’t waste any more time …

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