Massage – 6 Body Parts To Focus On

Although some parts of the body are often overlooked by specialists, it turns out that massaging them can be a source of many benefits for us. More importantly, we will be able to perform the described massages ourselves.
Massage - 6 body parts to focus on

Massage – when we hear this word, we automatically think of loosening the tense parts of the neck, back and shoulders. It turns out, however, that massage can also benefit us when performed in other parts of the body.

Would you like to know which ones? So be sure to read this article!

A holistic massage to improve the quality of life

Relieving stress, reducing body posture pain, reducing anxiety and even eliminating fluid retention are just some of the benefits that massage can bring us.

Oil massage

In order to be able to perform a comprehensive massage, you must first of all ensure comfort and convenience. This means, among other things, that both the bed and the room should be comfortable and warm. If possible, take care of dim light and silence.

By taking care of all these details, you can be sure that the massage will bring good results.

  • You can make your surroundings pleasant with candles and incense, as long as you are not allergic to strong fragrances, of course.
  • Many people choose essential oils with a soothing scent – such as orange or lavender.
  • Don’t forget about relaxing music! Try out the songs without lyrics, instrumental, maybe also useful for meditation. You can also use the sounds of nature (rain, sea waves, waterfalls, birds and other pleasant sounds).

Try to get the best possible massage essential oils. It’s really not that hard to get them, especially in specialized stores. Make sure that the skin of the person to be massaged needs some special type of oil . The most delicate oil is jojoba.

You can also reach for the baby oil. Towels, especially heated ones, are also indispensable elements. You can use an oven or a special towel warmer for this.

It is necessary to remember to cover the person who will receive the massage. It is also worth controlling the temperature of the feet and hands – if they are cold, it is necessary to increase the temperature in the room.

You will also need towels to remove excess oil with a towel after the massage.

Where to massage and which areas to avoid?

Sometimes we need a massage for medical reasons. Regardless of our health, however, a pleasant session of 30 or 45 minutes in a massage therapist’s bed at a spa or in a regeneration center will never hurt us. It can help us cope with the pain that plagues us every day.

However, were you aware that there are certain areas of the body that the masseurs and ourselves avoid? Once you get to know them, nothing will be the same again. You will feel great relief, you will relax and you will be blissfully relaxed.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the six areas of the body that you should give a massage:

1. Top of the head

More than half of the people living in the western part of the world feel tired and tense after the end of the working day.

Massage of the head, and more specifically its tip, will provide you with a really pleasant experience. This is because it relaxes the muscles surrounding the skull and stimulates blood circulation.

2. Face massage

A well-done facial massage helps us look younger. It helps us tighten the skin of the face and relax. If you are under stress or feel tense, we recommend this type of massage.

Face massage

It can also be useful in dealing with everyday fatigue, especially in difficult times.

3. The skull

As we mentioned earlier, massaging the top of the head can be extremely beneficial to your health. It turns out, however, that this is not the only part of the head that we should massage for our well-being.

If we also consider that accumulated stress can cause health problems and even cause depression, it is worth doing our best to reduce it.

  • Massage of the upper part of the head (the space between the eyebrows and the top of the head) is ideal for people who do hard mental work.
  • This type of massage is perfect for an important exam and for activities that require concentration. Especially if we have long hours in front of the monitor.
  • You will see, relieve tension, feel relieved when you are in a bad mood, and even your sleep quality will improve. Something fabulous!

4. Ear massage

Ear massage is a technique that helps us achieve a state of relaxation. Did you know that one of the biggest causes of stress we feel is the noise we hear every day? Especially if we live in a big city.

Ear massage

Car horns, screams of people, and even loud music coming from outside or from our headphones – all this causes us to feel tired, anxious, and in addition to hearing problems.

Silence, in turn, calms the mind, helps to avoid negative thoughts, and saves the energy used by the mind. This makes it easier for us to sleep at night and to drive away harmful negative thinking.

The ear massage recommended by us should be performed on the back of the ear with circular movements. Then you need to massage the earlobe in a clockwise direction.

5. Fingertips

We usually don’t massage our fingers unless they hurt. This is a big mistake! Although the fingertips can withstand a lot of stress on a daily basis and are among the strongest parts of our body, they are also very innervated and definitely need proper attention and care.

The fingertips are full of nerve endings that can be relaxed with a pressure massage. Recommended especially for people who regularly work with a computer keyboard.

6. Massage of the buttocks

It is one of the most forgotten areas of our body when it comes to massage. Buttock massage is not only pleasant, but also helps to avoid unpleasant ailments resulting from spending many hours sitting down.

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