Medicinal Plants That Relieve Stress: 7 Examples

Medicinal plants that relieve stress: 7 examples

The best way to deal with stress is to adopt healthy habits of mental hygiene. However, even the most composed can be nervous moments. Then there is nothing better than medicinal plants with a calming effect.

Stress has risen to the rank of one of the greatest problems of today. Indeed, we all go through stressful situations from time to time. It’s how the brain and body respond to internal or external stimuli. Basically, stress is a state that is part of the normal and expected functioning of the body.

The problem arises when we feel stress too often or over long and continuous periods. When this happens, a whole series of changes occur in both the body and the mind. They can become serious enough to noticeably reduce our quality of life.

One of the greatest risks of stress is related to its consequences in the medium to long term. It can be a factor that stimulates and intensifies other mental and physical pathologies. Many of the most common diseases are caused by constant stress.

Complex pathways of stress

Stress becomes a chronic problem in essentially two ways. First, when the stressful stimulus and exposure to it persist over time. The second occurs when the stimulus is so strong that the stress persists even after it has disappeared.

As a consequence, the body undergoes various changes. The body must prepare and focus on defense. To achieve this, the body simultaneously weakens the immune system, digestive system, reproductive system, and sleep mechanisms.

Consequently, over time, there are a number of physical and mental health effects. Each of us reacts differently to such constant stress. However, it usually causes digestive problems, frequent migraines, insomnia, irritability and problems with bowel movements.

Stress can be prevented by maintaining good mental hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. However, if you find that you are very stressed, you can also use the power of medicinal plants to help you alleviate the condition you are experiencing. Here are some of them.

1. Lemon balm: a plant for stress

Lemon balm
The properties of lemon balm help to relax the nervous system. This makes it easier to control anxiety and stress.


Lemon balm, also known as the beekeeper, nursery, lemongrass and lemon herb, is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants to relieve stress. Why? It works very well in situations of anxiety or nervousness.

This is because it has the properties of relaxing the heart muscle so that it can restore the heart’s normal rhythm. Lemon balm can be taken as an infusion two or three times a day.

2. St. John’s wort

The Mexican Academy of Neurology has published a study showing St. John’s wort is suitable for relieving stress, anxiety and nervousness.

This medicinal plant has been shown to have 12 biologically active ingredients to help us calm down. The most important of these is hyperforin, a sedative.

3. Valerian: a classic for stress

Valerian is one of the most popular medicinal plants. It is sometimes used in the treatment of nervous conditions, especially insomnia. This plant helps to reduce brain activity as well as slow down the heart rate.

It is very important to remember that this plant should not be combined with antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications as such a mix can prove dangerous. It is also not recommended to consume it for more than two weeks at a time.

4. Ginseng, which is a natural anxiolytic

There are several species of ginseng, each with different properties. American ginseng is most suitable for fighting stress. On the other hand, Asian ginseng has a stimulating effect, which is rather used in the case of depression.

These wonderful medicinal plants are considered “adaptogen”, which is a substance that helps the mind withstand pressure. They also have a positive effect on intellectual abilities.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile - one of the natural repellants
Chamomile infusion has a calming effect on the nerves and accelerates regeneration in states of stress and anxiety.

Chamomile is one of those plants that can be considered a staple in our medicine cabinet. It has many beneficial properties for health. One of them is the sedative effect.

It is strongly recommended to take chamomile tea as an infusion. Best with apples or ginger! It is also recommended to take a bath in chamomile water, which allows you to relax your muscles.

6. Lime: another example from the “popular medicinal plants” category

Linden is a medicinal plant that has been used since time immemorial to calm the nerves. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, and is also perfect for fighting insomnia.

Lime is also suitable for treating stress-induced problems such as indigestion and headaches. You can take it as an infusion, herbal tea, or take a bath in water with the addition of this herb.

7. Medicinal plants against stress: other herbs

In addition to those listed above, there are other medicinal herbs that are effective in relieving stress. This is, for example, ginkgo biloba : a plant that became famous because it was the only one to survive the atomic bomb in Hiroshima unscathed.

Also, lavender is used to treat all kinds of nerve problems. Meanwhile, the trifoliate lime is recommended for insomnia. Rosemary, hops, and maca (the root), on the other hand, are great sedatives.

Are you going through a stress crisis? Remember that good stress management is key to avoiding its detrimental effects on your well-being. Therefore, try to improve your habits and try these natural remedies in nervous moments.

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