Menopause – 9 Ways To Alleviate Its Symptoms

Symptoms of menopause can be alleviated by eating a healthy diet and including products that will make it easier to overcome the menopause.
Menopause - 9 ways to relieve menopause

The menopause is a very important period in a woman’s life. The changes taking place in her body can be manifested by symptoms such as:

  • Hot bouts
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dryness
  • Putting on weight
Each woman goes through this time in a different way and the symptoms mentioned may vary in severity. See what products you can use to strengthen your body so that menopause does not affect your quality of life too much.

1. Menopause – Natural juices

fruit juices

A healthy diet is essential to good health, also during the menopause. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are the perfect complement to a wholesome and balanced diet.

Juices provide a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber, thanks to which we improve the digestion processes of food and the excretion of unnecessary metabolic products.

This helps to prevent the build-up of toxins in your body that can worsen the symptoms of menopause.

2. Chia seeds

If you soak the chia seeds overnight, you will see that the water they were soaking in turns into jelly. This is because the seeds contain vegetable glue – a substance that helps to cleanse the intestines thoroughly.

By consuming chia seeds daily, you reduce the volume of the abdominal cavity and thus the number of centimeters in the waist. It is a quick and easy solution to gas build-up or constipation.

Chia seeds go well with milk and fruit cocktails, juices or homemade bread. This is a great way to incorporate seeds into your diet without you even noticing that you are eating them.

3. Garlic


If you want to improve your overall health and relieve menopausal symptoms, eat garlic regularly. Garlic has healing properties thanks to which it detoxifies the body and improves blood circulation.

You can eat garlic raw, with bread, or as an addition to homemade vegetable juice.

If you do not like the taste or smell of garlic, you can reach for special dietary supplements in the form of capsules.

4. Legumes

Legumes are very helpful when the menopause begins. There are two main reasons for this:

  • Legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein and fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system and help prevent weight gain.
  • The high level of phytoestrogen, i.e. plant estrogen, contained in legumes, helps to regulate endocrine disorders that characterize menopause.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng is a medicinal plant that helps to heal depression and a general depressed mood that often occurs in women who have entered the menopause.

However, it should be remembered that ginseng should not be used in the case of anxiety disorders or hypertension because this plant has stimulant properties.

Try taking ginseng for 10 consecutive days and then discontinue it for the rest of the month. You will see a significant improvement in your mood after the first few days.

You can take ginseng supplements or reach for ginseng infusions.

6. Peruvian pepper

Peruvian pepper is a bulbous plant native to South America that helps maintain hormonal balance during menopause.

It is also worth mentioning that peppercorns have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and that it is considered an aphrodisiac for both women and men.

7. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a well-known dietary supplement used by people who want to strengthen their skin, nails and hair.

Thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, yeast alleviates the symptoms of menopause by adding energy and positively influencing the nervous system.

8. Sage oil

sage essential oil

Essential oils are very effective in helping to regain the balance of the body and mind. Women going through the menopause are advised to use sage oil.

Sage oil improves mood, reduces irritability, helps to get rid of retained fluid in the body and relieves symptoms of hypertension.

Take two drops of Sage Oil daily for two weeks, or rub a small amount into your temples and wrists.

9. Menopause and Bach flower therapy

Bach flower therapy is based on flower essences that help soothe emotional disorders.

In the case of menopause, the best solutions are:

  • Walnut and Honeysuckle (helps to adapt to change)
  • Wild rose (gives energy and vitality)
  • Gentian (helps heal depression)

A therapist who specializes in the properties of a variety of essences will help you choose a combination of products that will help alleviate your symptoms of menopause.

Try these natural remedies today!

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