Menthol Cigarettes Can Be Harmful

Menthol cigarettes can be harmful

Many people prefer to smoke menthol cigarettes because they believe they contain lower levels of nicotine. However, scientists managed to debunk this myth.

While metal cigarettes have long been considered a “good” option for people who want to minimize the harmful effects of tobacco, scientists have proven that they can be more harmful than normal cigarettes. Therefore, in today’s article we will focus on the research that supports this hypothesis.

Before we delve deeper into this topic, it is worth noting that efforts to reduce tobacco consumption appear to be working.

The World Health Organization’s Global Tobacco Consumption Trends Report from 2000 to 2025 showed that the total number of smokers in the world decreased by 60 million between 2000 and 2018.

The nicotine present in cigarettes is addictive and, according to a research report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse , the release of endorphins caused by its consumption makes people want to smoke even more.

In the beginning, this substance increases dopamine levels. However, it changes circuits related to learning, stress, and self-control over time.

The use of menthol in cigarettes

SpudĀ® is the first commercial brand to add menthol to cigarettes. It took place in the 1920s. Most companies’ marketing promises were about a fresh taste that stayed in your mouth after smoking a cigarette.

To this must be added the popularity of menthol cigarettes among the very young population. The Spanish National Committee for Smoking Prevention (CNTP) has hypothesized that it is the pleasant taste produced by menthol that influences smoking initiation and dependence in this population.

Among the reasons that lead to frequent use of menthol cigarettes is the ease of penetration of smoke and the reduction of irritation. At the same time, a false belief has lingered for decades in the smoking community that makes the addition of menthol beneficial.

An article published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that African-American smokers and members of other minority groups are the target group for menthol cigarette ads. This of course only increases their consumption in these groups.

Why can menthol cigarettes be more dangerous?

Many menthol smokers find it much easier to smoke them. However, when they are fired, physiological processes occur that they are not aware of and that increase the damage they cause.

Although they cool the throat, the effect of menthol to reduce the feeling of dryness leads to you inhale the smoke deeper and retain it longer in your lungs. This article from the American Cancer Society explains the phenomenon.

At the same time, other research suggests that this impression arises because menthol acts as an anesthetic for the respiratory tract. On the one hand, this suggests less discomfort for smokers.

However, on the other hand, it may be associated with an increase in the number of cigarettes a person smokes during the day. And this worsens and accelerates the occurrence of side effects.

The number of smokers is declining worldwide, but remains the leading cause of the development of deadly diseases.

Menthol in electronic cigarettes

There is no doubt that the menthol in traditional cigarettes is bad for your health. But not as much as the menthol used in electronic cigarettes. In addition to the origin of these types of products, the damage they cause occurs due to other harmful substances.

Research suggests that there is evidence of serious lung lesions from smoking and vaping. It is worth mentioning the so-called EVALI epidemic. The symptoms of this disease are similar to those of pneumonia (cough, fever, and shortness of breath).

What’s behind it? Apparently, this could be due to the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and vitamin E acetate.


At the same time, last but not least, it is worth paying attention to the source product that gives the cigarettes their menthol flavor. In a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found large amounts of pulegone in liquids consumed in menthol e-cigarettes.

This substance is one of the ingredients of the extract of peppermint, spearmint and mint pour. The problem with its consumption is that it has been found to be a potent carcinogen, which has been proven in rodent tests.

Its impact is so great that in 2018, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned its use as a food additive. Due to the numerous alerts that were issued regarding its harmful effects on health, American cigarette companies began to reduce the amount of pulegon used.

Finally, it should be noted that research is currently being conducted to determine the risks associated with inhaling this substance, as well as other substances present in electronic cigarettes. So far, research suggests that the risk is higher compared to traditional cigarette smoking.

Cigarettes as a cause of cancer development

According to a report by the World Health Organization, smoking causes 8 million deaths each year. Of these, 40% are associated with diseases such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and tuberculosis.

The National Cancer Institute of Spain notes that tobacco is the leading cause of cancer development and cancer death worldwide. This is due to chemicals in cigarettes that can cause DNA damage.

Smoking causes the most common cancers of the lung, larynx, mouth, esophagus, throat, bladder, liver, kidney, colon and cervix. It should be noted that tobacco also affects those who consume it indirectly.

Experts have identified over 4,000 chemical compounds of unknown origin in tobacco smoke. Of these, 250 were classified as harmful, including 50 as carcinogenic.

Cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke contains large amounts of harmful substances that cause cancer and serious chronic diseases such as COPD.

Quitting smoking is possible!

Whether you smoke menthol or traditional cigarettes, you may experience withdrawal symptoms when you want to quit smoking. As already mentioned, nicotine is one of the main substances that cause addiction.

Stopping this addiction will protect you from developing serious diseases such as cancer. In addition, you will protect your family and close friends from the side effects of smoke in their surroundings.

To help you stop smoking, you may need to seek professional help and seek medical attention. If this is your case, don’t be afraid or ashamed. Your life is worth it.

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