Metabolic Age: What Is It And How To Improve It?

Have you ever wondered what your metabolic age is? Do you act as if you are already 60 years old even though you are under 40? It’s time to find out how to improve this.
Metabolic age: what is it and how to improve it?

The metabolic age represents the true health of your body. Importantly, it can be very different from your actual biological age, so the two values ​​will rarely be the same.

Sometimes you can look in the mirror and say to yourself something like, “I look much older than I should.” If you are lucky, you may also come to the opposite conclusion. However, few people take metabolic age into account and then do something about it.

Perhaps you are thinking that you have done everything possible to feel better and look younger. In reality, however, there are still some very simple strategies you can put into practice that you probably haven’t even thought about.

On the other hand, when you are at a social gathering, you may find that your old school friend still has the same happy spirit as he used to be and seems to be bursting with health and energy. On the other hand, you feel lousy, you are dim and not very active.

You may begin to ask yourself the following question at this point: “How is it possible that time does not affect some people the same?” You’ll find all the answers in one place. It is your metabolic age.

How to calculate your metabolic age?

Overall, a healthcare professional can calculate your metabolic age through a specialized (albeit inexpensive) medical examination. At the same time, we recommend that you strictly follow what your doctor says, rather than what your personal gym trainers will say.

And they probably also offer the ability to calculate your metabolic age as one of the services they provide.

Waist circumference

However, you can also do these calculations on your own and get more or less approximate results. Especially if you have the following information about yourself:

  • Biological age
  • Increase
  • Waist / waist circumference
  • Your current weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)

Once you have collected all your data, you can use the Metabolic Age Calculator, which is available online from many websites. Be very careful though! Remember that the data resulting from this calculation is approximate. Only a doctor can give you a reliable and certain answer to your question.

What such a calculator does is compare the baseline metabolism of the subject with the average metabolism for a given age group and similar physical conditions.

What is your base metabolism?


“We eat exactly the same thing, but I’m gaining enough weight for both of us.”
A lot of people usually speak this way. But that’s not just an unfounded impression. This is your case because you may just have different levels of base metabolism.

For example, there are people who digest food faster than others and who release their energy better. The reason for this is that those who have higher body mass index (BMI) also exert more energy, which in turn increases their base metabolism value.

What factors have the greatest influence on your metabolic age?

Metabolic age is influenced by countless factors, but the most important set of factors is usually used in the calculation. They include, among others:

  • Biological age
  • Endocrine level
  • Muscle structure and mass of muscle tissue
  • Genetic (family) conditions
  • Diet and metabolism
  • Conditions related to your thyroid gland
  • The frequency and intensity of daily physical activities

All of the factors listed above can affect your metabolic age. But they are also not any excuse to stop you from improving yourself and your health as you need to.

How can knowing our metabolic age help us?

Knowing your metabolic age will help you take control of your health. You should aim for it to be equal to or less than your chronological age. Know that if your body is in good general condition, you will immediately notice a number of changes for the better. These include, among others:

  • Improving your physical condition and other related aspects.
  • Planning any future actions to improve your metabolism.
  • Knowing the number of calories you should be consuming each day to stay healthy.
  • Prevention of future diseases caused by excessive fat or muscle loss.

If you want to stay healthy for a long time, just take the reins of your own life into your own hands.

Can you reduce your metabolic age?

The answer to the above question is very simple. It reads ” YES. You can reduce your metabolic age. “. The first step to achieving this goal is to make the right decision. To start improving your body’s health, you first need to change a few habits in your life.

Willpower and motivation are two key factors in this endeavor. A plan to rejuvenate your body includes three key aspects. Each of them can be easily improved, and in a very short time.

Physical activity

Meticulously following your daily training routine really does support your metabolism. Not only does it develop your muscles, it also generates more energy.


Taking at least 30 minutes a day to exercise helps you reduce your metabolic age and look much healthier. Additionally, you burn calories during such training. It is also important to include walking, aerobic exercise, and weight lifting in your training program.

A well-balanced and balanced diet

It is also important to forget about fried foods and junk food. You need to find healthy foods for you and increase your daily intake of vegetables, lean meats, grains and protein.

Healthy diet

An established daily meal schedule is also important, and not skipping them. It is also recommended that you drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and speed up your metabolism.

Get enough sleep and get a good night’s sleep

Your body needs enough hours of rest to function properly. There are several measures you can take to get a better rest and quality, restorative sleep. They mainly include:

Healthy sleep
  • Taking a shower or a hot bath just before going to bed.
  • Drinking hot tea or herbal infusion before going to bed.
  • Clearing your mind by reading a book.
  • Performing certain yoga poses that help to stimulate relaxation and therefore allow you to sleep better.

If you follow these three factors, you’ll start to notice changes for the better quickly. Your body will begin to feel young again and your overall health will improve significantly.

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