Mint And Its Healing Properties

Mint and its healing properties

Green mint  also known as spearmint . It is a plant that is often used in food preparation. Its main task is to give the dishes aromas. Mint is great for making cocktails and healing drinks.

This aromatic plant is often used in many therapies due to its diverse properties and benefits that affect our health.

Mint and its health properties

  • One of the most important properties of mint is that it has a diastolic and anti-flatulence effect. This helps us overcome problems related to the digestive system, especially indigestion, flatulence and abdominal pain or stomach cramps.
  • It also works very well in the treatment of respiratory ailments. It contains ingredients that have a strong expectorant effect.
  • Mint can also help relieve menstrual cramps.
  • This plant also contains ingredients that are very effective in treating emotional problems. The mentioned ingredients have a relaxing effect and help to avoid possible effects that may be caused by nervous situations.
  • It is a very effective antiseptic and analgesic.
  • It can also be used to treat certain burns. When used on burns, it is recommended to mix mint infusion with a little olive oil. In doing so, it will help us reduce the burning sensation and prevent possible infections.
  • This miracle plant is also very effective in combating unpleasant odors from the mouth. In addition, it helps us replace it with a pleasant, minty scent that can accompany us even all day long. This is possible thanks to menthol, one of the ingredients of this plant, which is also very refreshing.
  • We can prepare delicious and relaxing tea from mint. We can drink it before going to bed. This will allow us to sleep well and deeply.
  • The infusion of this plant is recommended to remove accumulated gases in the digestive system, which is very helpful in eliminating flatulence.

Preparation of mint infusion


The preparation of mint infusion is very simple. You just have to remember that the leaves we use should be soft (they are commonly called young tops of shoots).

When the leaves are ready, the next step is to boil half a liter of water. During this time, put the selected parts of the plant into the jar. When the water boils, pour the leaves in the jar and let them infuse for twenty minutes.

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Finally, pour the infusion through a sieve and enjoy the taste of the first cup (it is recommended to consume up to three cups of infusion a day).


As we have already noted, there are many miraculous properties offered to us by this plant that most people know only for its positive effects on stomach aches and adding flavor to food.

It is very important that we get interested in discovering all the properties of mint as it can be very helpful in many situations. It is also good to know that medicinal plants, such as mint, do not cause any side effects, of course, if we use them as intended and do not exceed the recommended doses of consumption.

Mint infusions can be drunk by both children and the elderly, but only in small amounts.

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