Moisturizing Lip Balm Protecting Lips

In addition to a completely natural way to moisturize your lips, this homemade moisturizing lip balm also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to help prevent infection. Antioxidants also prevent premature aging.
Moisturizing lip balm that protects the lips

You can go to a cosmetics store and find all kinds of lip balms that will protect the delicate skin of your lips from environmental pollution and all kinds of damage. However, not all of us use a moisturizing lip balm in our daily beauty routine.

Nevertheless, more and more people are keenly interested in preventing dry mouth and use various types of moisturizing lip balm on a daily basis. You should join them too.

It all comes from the fact that this particular area of ​​your face is more sensitive than you can imagine. As a result, the skin of the lips is easily damaged by exposure to, for example, wind, sunlight and other environmental toxins.

But in addition to the options that are products of the cosmetics industry, there are also home-made recipes. They contain only 100% natural ingredients which also offer some important benefits for your skin.


Today we want to present you a really interesting recipe for a homemade moisturizing lip balm. It will allow you to effectively prevent lip dehydration and take care of your lips.

We invite you to read!

A moisturizing lip balm that effectively protects your lips

The moisturizing lip balm that we want to share with you today is based on essential nutrients. They perfectly regenerate the skin of your lips, especially when it is dry or cracked.

This combination of natural ingredients deeply moisturizes the skin and removes any dead cells from the surface of the lips.

The most important advantages of this moisturizing lip balm

  • It contains ingredients that will replenish the moisture stolen from your lips by the sun’s rays, chemicals and other harmful environmental factors.
  • Provides the lips with large amounts of essential vitamins C and E, which stimulate the cellular renewal of your skin.
  • It has strong, natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They form a natural protective barrier against microorganisms that can irritate or infect this delicate area of ​​the face.
  • It contains antioxidants that reduce the negative effects of free radicals. Free radicals are chemical compounds that, among other things, cause the effects of premature aging.
  • The essential fatty acids contained in this balm support skin regeneration and accelerate healing.
  • This moisturizing lip balm contains no harmful chemicals and is suitable for all skin types.

How can you make this moisturizing lip balm at home?

You can easily make this natural cosmetic product, which is a moisturizing lip balm. And all because it doesn’t require any expensive or hard-to-find ingredients. In fact, most of them can be found in herbal stores, pharmacies, and in the beauty department of supermarkets.

Homemade lotion

Ingredients you will need

  • 1/4 cup of beeswax (50 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil (5 g)
  • 20 drops of coconut extract
  • 2 drops of vitamin E essential oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon of honey (2 g)
  • 1 handful of finely crushed rose petals

Necessary utensils and accessories

  • 1 heat-resistant container
  • Wooden spoon
  • 1 glass jar with a lid

The method of preparation of the described agent

  • Add beeswax to a heat-resistant container and let it melt.
  • Then add coconut oil and jojoba oil to it, stirring it with a wooden spoon until all the ingredients are combined.
  • Now take the pan off the heat and add coconut extract, vitamin E oil and honey to it.
  • Keep stirring until everything is well mixed. Then add the rose petals to the dish.
  • The resulting moisturizing lip balm should be stored in a glass jar with a tight lid. Put it in a cool, dark place.

How should you use the resulting moisturizing lip balm?

  • Put a little bit of this balm on your fingertips. Spread it gently over your lips until it is completely absorbed.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a day, every day until you get the results you want.

Tips for getting the best results

If you want to keep your lips soft and moisturized, be sure to follow other basic care tips. The most important of them include:

Well-groomed lips
  • Exfoliating lips once or twice a week, avoiding the use of very aggressive products.
  • Increase your daily water intake to prevent dehydration.
  • Avoiding drinking alcohol or smoking, as the toxins in them dry out and stain your skin.
  • Ensuring that all other lip care products have not expired.
  • Remove all makeup from your face every night before going to bed.
  • Not to share any personal or cosmetic items or supplies with others as this could lead to ‘catching’ infections from other people.
  • Avoiding moisturizing your lips with saliva as this can alter the pH of the skin of the lips.

Do you have dry or dull lips? If you feel cracked, try making this perfect moisturizing lip balm at home. And then just start enjoying all the benefits it offers.

Start adding using it to your daily skin care routine as this is the best way to keep your lips always soft and perfectly moisturized.

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