Moisturizing Oils Suitable For All Skin Types

Did you know that even if your skin is acne prone, there are oils with moisturizing properties that can help you reduce seborrhea? Moreover, they will improve the appearance of your skin.
Moisturizing oils suitable for all skin types

There are many types of skin. Moisturizing oils should be selected according to the skin type. For if we do not use the right remedy, we can do more harm than good, despite the fact that we use a natural remedy.

In today’s article, you will discover the best moisturizing oils that will keep your facial skin moisturized, taut, radiant and rejuvenated.

Normal skin

If you are not sure what your skin type is, it is most likely normal. People with any skin abnormalities realize it very quickly.

It is very important to determine what your skin type is, because this is how you will be able to choose the right care products. People with normal skin can choose any type of oil, taking into account, for example, the issue of fragrance.

Moreover, the skin of the face and neck should be distinguished from the rest of the body. The face is exposed to free radicals every day and suffers much more from all our habits, lifestyle or poor nutrition. Even emotions and stress influence the appearance of our face.

That is why you should carefully choose the right oil that will help prevent premature skin aging, pollution, sagging skin and its drying out.

Moisturizing skin care oils – which one do I need?

Dry and mature skin

People whose skin is dry should take care of its proper nutrition every day. Lack of hydration is the main cause of skin aging, which gradually loses water. Therefore, for mature skin, moisturizing oil will be the best, as it will provide the skin with elasticity and firmness.

Moisturizing oils for face care

The most recommended moisturizing oils are:

  • Almond oil: full of nutrients, rich in vitamin E and cheap at the same time.
  • Karite butter (also known as shea): great for mature skin that has been depleted of its nutrients.
  • Avocado Oil: Rich in fatty acids, it adds radiance and rejuvenation to the skin.
  • Mosquet rose: this oil stimulates skin regeneration and has strong wound-healing properties.

You can choose one oil or combine several of them.

Oily skin

Oily skin, very common in adolescents, is characterized by a high secretion of sebum, or sebum, which makes the skin shiny.

Although sebum provides the skin with a protective layer against external factors, shiny skin is not aesthetically pleasing. In some cases, it can even cause acne and skin imperfections.

By choosing the right moisturizing oils, you can even out the sebum secretion without unnecessarily irritating the skin with alcohol and other astringents, which can have negative effects.

Moisturizing face oil
  • We recommend jojoba oil. It has a texture similar to human sebum. What’s more, it perfectly soothes irritations.
  • We can combine it with aloe. Thanks to this, you will get a light balm.

Mixed skin

Combination skin is characterized by increased seborrhea in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) with a simultaneous lack of moisture on the cheeks. This makes it much more difficult to choose the right oil.

In very complicated cases, we can use two different oils for two different parts of the face.

Coconut oil

We can also prepare a “balanced” oil based on two ingredients: coconut oil (extra virgin type) and lavender essential oil.

  • Both of these oils show regulating properties and increase the natural ability of the skin to secrete the right amount of sebum.

Delicate and sensitive skin

Delicate and sensitive skin deserves special treatment. This is because it can react with irritation in the face of chemical and even certain natural factors.

It is a skin that turns red easily. It is also prone to stains.

  • The best moisturizing oil to soothe and regulate this type of skin is calendula oil. We can combine it with aloe vera gel.
  • Both of these ingredients have beneficial properties, so irritation, burning and dryness disappear.

Acne-prone skin

If our skin is acne-prone, we should pay particular attention to its cleanliness and hygiene. However, it is not only about the type of skin, but also about our hormonal balance, diet, stress level and many other factors.

Mostly, moisturizing skin oils are not recommended for people with acne-prone skin. This is because they clog the skin pores, which leads to sebum build-up and worsens skin inflammation.

We can mix evening primrose oil with a little tea tree essential oil. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which help us avoid infections.

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