Mourning Room And 5 Stages Of Sadness

A funeral room is one that each of us must visit at some point in our lives. Surviving this period will make you throw away any resentments, let the past go into oblivion, and move on for your next life.
A mourning room and 5 stages of grief

The mourning room is a specific room that we all have to go to after surviving some loss. However, there are all sorts of ways people use as excuses to avoid visiting him.

The door to this room opens whenever a relationship ends. And also when you lose your job or when your loved one disappears from your life forever. This is where the funeral room is the best solution.
There are stages in life that repeat over and over again, regardless of this or that particular loss. Today we will try to delve a little more into this topic. Therefore, we invite you to read!

The mourning room and its avoidance

For example, when you end one relationship and don’t want to enter that room, you immediately look for a new partner for yourself. This way, you avoid the first stage through which a funeral room could help you make a decisive, fast, and efficient transition.

But your choice is not the optimal solution, however. All because you will start a new relationship without being prepared for it. You will enter into a new relationship without giving yourself the opportunity to close the previous chapter of your life.

What are the different stages of regret?

Regret is always divided into five basic stages that follow in order. You cannot skip or skip over any of them. These steps are as follows:

Displace the fact of loss from your consciousness

In this first stage, you put your mind into a specific state of denial. You are thus denying that your loved one has passed away, you are denying that the relationship with your partner has been irrevocably severed forever. Or you deny that you are not really needed in your job anymore.


Denying loss is one way to turn a blind eye to what is really going on in your life. The reason people do this is because they think that recent events are simply harmful to them. Or at least they negatively affect their mental state.

Sometimes many people come up with all sorts of stories for themselves. For example, we tell ourselves that the person who has in fact died is simply on a long journey, or that our ex-partner just needed a little more space for himself in his life.

However, this phase of denial of reality will sooner or later reach its own end. Then it is time for the next stage.



You will start thinking, for example, “Why are you doing this to me?”, “It’s only your fault”, “I don’t deserve it”, “I will never forgive you for leaving me.” This is where you blame the other person for all the pain in your life. At the same time, you hold her accountable for what you feel yourself.

Bargaining (negotiation

After the anger stage is over, you begin to feel hopes of reversing the loss process. So you start looking for all sorts of alternatives to help you get back what you lost.

If your loved one has died, you can try to contact them through the media or other people who claim they can talk to the dead. However, if you have just broken up, you might try to save your old relationship and make your ex-partner fall in love with you again.


Another option is that if you have lost your job, for example, you can try to take action to get rehired.

If you do what you are about to do, the mourning process will be interrupted. However, if you lose that person or that job again, it will be more painful to enter that state, which is symbolized by the mourning room, however, than it was before.

Depression or depression

However, if you overcome the negotiation stage and realize that there is no turning back from what happened to yours, you will start to feel just sad and depressed.


Depression is simply a sign that you are fully accepting what has happened. At the same time, you know that everything is over and that your tears will help you free yourself from pain. Thanks to them, you will simply be able to continue living.

However, you have to be very careful not to get stuck at this stage. And all because long-term depression can also be dangerous for you. Therefore, a funeral room can really help you at this point.


This is the final stage where you finally accept the loss that has happened to you. You no longer have any hope of recovering what was lost. You will just have to accept what happened. Let these events teach you a lesson for the future. Remember it well and then set out on the path of your own life.

Acceptance is a really great and useful step. It is what allows you to remember the good times and learn from the bad ones.


However, you may not get immediate relief from this stage. Instead, you will constantly be accompanied by despair, regret, apathy, and fatigue instead. However, over time, you will begin to experience the joy and will to live again.

A mourning room is a room in our psyche that each of us must visit at some point in our lives. Surviving this period will make you throw away any resentments, let the past go into oblivion, and move on for your next life.

Have you ever become stuck in any of these five stages of regret? If so, which one was the worst for you?

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