Muscles – Natural Relaxants

Muscles - natural relaxants

Our present life is full of responsibilities and stress. They are characterized by lack of exercise, sedentary work which causes endless health problems. This lifestyle makes our muscles tense. The muscles in the  neck, shoulders and spine that suffer the most from sitting at the computer for long periods .

To take care of them, you do not need to resort to medical procedures. All you need to do is take advantage of the incredible benefits of plants that will naturally relax your muscles.

Aching muscles, neck pain – what are they caused by?

It is actually the most common affliction of people living in big cities. You could make a long list of the problems of sitting in the office for nine (and sometimes even longer) hours without any contact with the sun. These include, among others, junk food, inappropriate posture, focusing attention on counting bills, a lot of daily duties, etc. Stress prevents you from sleeping well, which causes even greater cramps and muscle pain.

Neck or back pain, which makes you hardly able to move your head, is one of the most common problems. The feeling of pressure in your back, lumbar region, hips does not give you peace. In fact, your whole body hurts. You can remedy this by undergoing a series of specialized massages, apply a hot compress to sore spots or replace an uncomfortable chair with a more comfortable one.

However, it takes time for your muscles to recover. You must pay attention to the fact that you have not dealt with them properly. Therefore, it is worth paying some attention to these parts of the body and including natural herbs and muscle relaxants in your treatment plan. You will see that the pain will only be an unpleasant memory!

Aching muscles in the neck

Natural relaxants – basic information

Generally, they are introduced into the body in the form of infusions. This way not only improves the condition of your muscles, but also causes the feeling of relaxation to flow to the brain, stomach and other organs. Thanks to this, you rest better, you forget about pain and, most importantly, you are more efficient.

Nevertheless, it is true that you have to wait a while for their effects. If you value quality and want to get rid of persistent pain, start using medicinal herbs every day.

Also, do not forget about a healthy and balanced diet. Poor diet promotes muscle strain. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat 1,500 mg of calcium, 1,500 mg of magnesium, 99 mg of potassium and 3,000 mg of vitamin C each day.

Relaxing bath for muscles

Ways to relax your muscles:

  • Rosemary : is a commonly used cooking spice that gives dishes a specific flavor and aroma. It brings many benefits to our health, in particular, it promotes relaxation and relaxation. Take a bath with diluted rosemary and you will see that it will ease any menstrual cramps or muscle cramps. You can also do a joint massage with the addition of rosemary essential oils. Hot compresses on sore parts of the body or inflamed areas reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis.
  • Valerian : It has been used for hundreds of years to relieve tension in the neck. It also has a calming effect and helps to cope with anxiety and sleep problems. You can make an infusion or tea of ​​valerian, or you can buy natural tablets with valerian extract. You can find them in virtually every pharmacy. This plant has an incredibly strong smell that some may find unpleasant.
Plants help relax muscles
  • Chamomile : “amazing sedative”, one of the best known and recommended relaxants. It is used to treat muscle aches. It is also used in the case of menstrual pains, tension, headaches, anxiety, stress, nervous situations, etc. Chamomile relieves the tension accumulated in your muscles and has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes cramps.
  • Catnip : This is a plant that was brought to Europe. It is a variety of mint that is grown in plantations in North America and Asia. It is used as a natural sedative and muscle relaxant. It also contributes to the reduction of joint swelling, relieves headaches caused by various types of tension, and heals soft tissue injuries. These are just a few of the enormous range of properties that catnip can boast of.

Here are some more natural relaxants:

  • Cayenne Pepper : This is often used in home recipes. It has been proven to be extremely effective in relieving and treating pain caused by rapid muscle contractions.
Chili relaxes the muscles
  • Radish : Since ancient times, its harsher variant has been used to relieve muscle tension that also includes spasms and pain. You should make or buy ready-made radish essential oil and mix it with hot water. Such a ready-made preparation can be added to the bath or used for massage.
  • Wild Thyme : This is a plant similar to thyme. Thanks to its natural essential oils, it easily relaxes your muscles and makes you feel relaxed. The best part is that you can drink as many cups of wild thyme tea as you like.
  • Passion Flower: Also known as the passion flower, she is incredibly beautiful. And it will seem even more beautiful to you when you get to know its unique properties. Its petals contain phytosterols and flavonoids with antioxidant properties. It also contains alkaloids, essential oils and other ingredients with a relaxing and analgesic effect. It is used for insomnia, muscle spasms, stress, anxiety, nervousness, etc. You can drink it as an infusion.
  • Lavender : A really pretty flower with a bluish purple color, with lots of anti-disease and medical properties. Lavender oil, for example, is considered to be one of the most effective natural muscle relaxants. All you have to do is massage it into the sore spot. This should be done in circular movements to increase blood flow. Then take a hot shower to relax your mind and body. This will allow your muscles to rest and heal more effectively.

Photos courtesy of exceptional hotels: CE Delohera Dennis Wong, Pato Novoa, ALvaro John Athayade Galve.

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