Nails: 9 Reasons Why They Crack

If your nails tend to break frequently, you should make more efforts to protect them from external factors. Also, protect their plate with cleaning agents, avoid biting them, and keep them moisturized carefully with a good moisturizer.
Nails: 9 Reasons Why They Crack

Over the past few years, nails have evolved into an extremely important part of female beauty. They are considered a kind of showcase of how a woman presents in the eyes of other people. Modern styles and trends place great importance on the aesthetic appearance of this seemingly small detail.

This means that today nails are considered a fundamental element of an attractive image. In addition, they allow you to effectively emphasize any style of dress or styling.

A certain type of protein that specialists call keratin makes a significant contribution to the formation of the nail structure. Combined with vitamins and minerals, it helps ensure that your nails are strong and healthy.

There are many products on the cosmetic market that have been designed to keep your nails in the best condition possible.

However, sometimes there are situations in which, through various efforts, your nails turn out to be extremely susceptible to cracking and delamination. Even with the apparent absence of external causes.

For this reason, we intend to dedicate today’s article to the 9 most common causes that cause us to break nails.
We invite you to read!

1. Bitten nails tend to break

The habit of biting nails, known in medicine as “onychophagy”, is common in both children and adults. It is one of the most common causes of weakening of the nail plate and the associated increased tendency to cracking.

The woman bites her nails

This behavior seems to be a great way to release anxiety and stress. But after a while, it can severely and permanently deform your nails. Plus, cause serious infections.

People abuse their nails with their teeth. For this reason, their structure breaks down.

As a result, they become dull, exposed to cracking, and delaminate more easily. And any attempts to regenerate them with the products of the cosmetics industry are doomed to failure. The cause of the problem lies elsewhere – in your head.

2. Nails do not tolerate scratching or abrasion of varnish from their surface

Nail polish allows us to decorate our fingers with a variety of styles, patterns and colors. However, there are women who have the extremely unfavorable habit of scratching off the varnish after a short time of wearing it, as soon as the first traces of chipping appear.

This habit, while seemingly harmless, is extremely harmful to your nails. This is because you also strip away the outer coating that protects the main part of your nail plates.

It is best to use dedicated products to remove nail polish. Make sure that they contain the right chemicals that will not damage your nails.

3. Neglecting the skins

Cuticles seem to be the most forgotten and neglected place when it comes to caring for your nails. Some people just cut them with scissors, others use their own teeth for this, just like they bite their nails with them.

Nails - neglected cuticles

What most people don’t realize is that cuticles are an essential part of the health and condition of the nail plate.

Their neglect causes the progressive weakening of the structure of the plates and may even cause the nails to break and delaminate.

To avoid these problems, use a special cuticle remover that uses the effect of exfoliating dead skin that accumulates around your nails.

4. Filling the surface of the nail plates

The procedure of filling the surface of the nails, popular in recent years, aimed at ensuring their flawless smoothness and perfect shape, contrary to appearances, is not a recommended procedure.

In addition to the fact that the filler may stress the nail plate, it may also promote the growth of certain bacteria and fungi.

5. Taking care of nails and filling their sides

Some women who dream of modeling their nails in a rectangular style, in many cases, simply exaggerate when it comes to choosing the length of the filling of their side part or their filing. As a result, you may end up seriously weakening the central part of the nail plate.

Nail filing

Although it does not seem noticeable or important at first, after a short time, the nails treated in this way will start to crack and have a tendency to delaminate.

6. Neglecting the nails by using anti-biting gel

Women who have trouble controlling their anxiety levels while biting their nails also tend to coat their nails with a Bite-Discouraging Gel while maintaining their perfect appearance.

The problem is that despite the really attractive appearance, such a gel can “suck” many valuable and necessary nutrients from the nail plate.

The nail structure will be significantly weakened as a result, and the effects are easy to predict.

It is also important in this case to use professional products for removing the gel from the nails – so as not to affect the natural structure of the nail plate.

7. Nails – insufficient protection

Did you know that chemicals found in high levels in cleaning products and home use are very harmful to your nails?

Unfortunately, we tend to ignore this extremely important issue, believing, for example, that washing the plates quickly with dishwashing liquid will not do anything wrong.


But it is worth remembering that these products are one of the main causes of cracking and breaking nails.

Forgetting to use gloves while doing basic work in the kitchen with these types of products directly affects the quality and condition of your nails.

8. Using nails as tools

Be careful! Nails should not be used as a substitute for tools, even though they may prove useful under certain circumstances.

Using your nails to remove stickers, scrape something or open soda cans, for example, can weaken them significantly. What’s more, even cause their immediate fracture or delamination.

Use the correct tools to perform the activities described above. And protect your nails properly and do not expose them to unnecessary damage.

9. Disregard for proper moisturizing

As with other parts of the body, your nails need to be constantly moisturized. Only in this way will you be able to provide them with resistance, attractive appearance and length.

Nail painting

This means, among other things, the need to drink more water, as well as the purchase of a special moisturizing cream for nails and cuticles.

Are you in the habit of making some of the mistakes described above? If so, now is the right time to take care of your nails!

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