Natural Treatment To Get Rid Of Bunions

The formation of bunions is usually linked to genetic factors or wearing the wrong footwear. Of the many home treatments, lavender oil can help relieve pain.
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Bunions (aka “hallux valgus”) is a degenerative disease that manifests itself in deformation of the big toe joint. Its development is usually linked to genetic factors or wearing the wrong footwear.

Bunions begin to show up after the age of 30 and almost always develop in the joints of both feet. The accompanying symptoms are: lumpy enlargement of the ankle of the big toe, swelling, redness, pain when walking, the formation of corns around the degeneration, etc.

When you notice the above symptoms, it is recommended that you visit a podiatrist who will show you the best treatment. Often in this case, surgery turns out to be necessary. However, if you do not want to give in to it, be sure to try home remedies that will alleviate the problem and prevent the regrowth of the hallux valgus.

Home remedies for bunions – lavender

Lavender oil is one of the most popular natural remedies for combating bunions – its properties help relieve pain and inflammation in a deformed joint. How to prepare homemade lavender oil?

Add a few dried lavender flowers to olive oil or almond oil and heat in a bemarian. Then pour it through a strainer – and the homemade lavender oil is ready to use!

Pour the essential oil into an airtight glass bottle. Rub it every evening with bunions, while doing a gentle massage.

Natural lavender oil

Epsom salt

An effective way to soothe the unpleasant pain caused by bunions and to remove swelling is a foot bath with Epsom salt. Pour warm water into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt, and immerse your feet for about 20 minutes. You will feel relieved immediately.

Ordinary rue

Ruta is a plant that is effective in soothing pain and inflammation in rheumatic diseases such as degenerative arthritis. To reduce pain caused by bunions, prepare a foot bath with a few sprigs of routine.

Soak your feet for about 15 minutes.

Lilac oil

The bulbs of lily plants contain a valuable oil, which is popularly used in the production of drugs to relieve pain in the joints. You can buy ready-made lilac oil or prepare it yourself. Dip a few lilac leaves in the brandy for 5 minutes.

Gently massage the oil into the hallux valgus.

Bay leaf treatment

Bay leaves have valuable properties that help fight bunions, both from the outside and the inside. Although the first results of the treatment appear after 10 days, it should be continued for two months.

First, prepare an infusion of bay leaves and leave it in a thermos overnight. The next morning, pour the infusion through a strainer and sip it down in small sips throughout the day. Consume the drink for three days in a row, and then take a one-week break.

Fresh bay leaves

You can also grind 5 bay leaves into powder and pour 100 ml of 96% alcohol over them. Leave it for a week, then apply directly to the bunions, preferably after soaking your feet in warm water.

Massage into your feet before going to bed and put on socks for the best effect.

Iodine-based treatment

One of the popular ways to fight bunions is combining iodine with aspirin. This agent should be applied directly to the bunions – it stops their growth and effectively soothes aching joints.

Another way to use iodine is to mix it with lemon juice (identical parts). The resulting mixture should be massaged into bunions.

Other natural ways to combat bunions

  • First and foremost, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and avoid being overweight.
  • Moreover, it is recommended to increase the intake of vitamins A, C and D and calcium – these substances strengthen the bones.
  • Additionally, it is important to wear comfortable footwear made of flexible materials with wide toes. Uncomfortable or too narrow shoes can exacerbate the problem of bunions.
  • If the bunions are causing unbearable pain or discomfort, it is recommended that you wear open, comfortable shoes.

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