Nostalgia And Four-legged Friend

A team of researchers from the University of British Columbia (Canada) conducted a study which showed that students who are forced to leave because of their studies tolerate separation better and nostalgia is not so unbearable when they are accompanied by a dog.
Lovely and a four-legged friend

Nostalgia is the feeling of longing for something that has passed away or for someone we have had feelings for. According to Freud, we feel as if part of ourselves has gone with them. Nostalgia can worsen and even lead to depression.

For this reason, it is worth learning how to deal with similar situations. A popular solution is to find something or someone to pour out all that love.

Nostalgia and a few words about longing for the past

The love that was left without recipient still exists. In addition to the method of hammering the wedge with a wedge, we can also opt for other alternative solutions. One of the most common ways is with a four-legged friend. Dogs are most often chosen for their loyalty, devotion and ability to love.

Better academic performance is a direct consequence of this.

Scientists collected information at 44 universities. They chose first-year students who confirmed that nostalgia was no stranger to them. They were asked to fill in a questionnaire to measure its severity as well as to investigate relationships in the new student life.

A dog with a gentleman

Continuing, they selected an animal therapy group, while the other group had to wait eight weeks for their turn. Students who were able to enjoy intercourse with their pets for 45 minutes a week struggled with the feeling of nostalgia in the company of dogs.

After eight weeks, the students were given the same form to complete as at the beginning of the experiment. The results were amazing: in the first group, the states of melancholy were significantly reduced and the mood improved. On the other hand, in the group that did not associate with animals, the mood deteriorated significantly.

Thanks to these results, it was possible to open a new path in the experiment. This message may be more important than it may seem at first glance. Apart from the fact that animals positively influence students, this whole story can positively influence all of us.

Many of these students are intelligent young people with a future, but nostalgia reduces their performance and thus their academic performance. Who knows, have we not lost more than one revolutionary scientist, economist or novelist?

Negative effects of nostalgia

Nostalgia makes us turn back too often and look back into the past.

This is where what we miss is and this is where we want to come back. Therefore, everything that happens here and now is devoid of that radiance that is completely absorbed by memories. In this way, too, the future seems indefinite and distant to us.

Somehow we live in yesterday which makes neither today nor tomorrow meaningless. Therefore, when melancholy comes to the fore, it can often lead us to put aside our goals and projects.

Woman and nostalgia

So if you get caught up in nostalgia at 18, you will miss out on many opportunities that life offers. It’s not about wasting them, you just won’t notice them.

You will not participate in activities with the same interest, you will not reflect clearly on them, you will not experience everything that the present has to offer.

Therefore, more research is needed in this direction, especially with regard to young people. The ability they have to enjoy and love life cannot be wasted.

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