Nuts And Seeds – Why Should We Soak Them?

Although nuts and seeds are extremely healthy in any form, if you wet them they will be even better. This helps to increase their nutritional properties.
Nuts and seeds - why should we soak them?

Nuts and seeds are an important part of healthy eating thanks to their excellent and complete nutrients. Nuts and seeds are also very filling, so they are great as a snack at any time of the day.

In today’s article, we will discover their fantastic properties and why we should soak them before consumption.

Why are nuts and seeds so beneficial?

Nuts, seeds and dried fruit are a very important part of the health pyramid. Their small portion is an energy boost that provides a lot of nutrients.

They are also very high in vegetable protein, but this is a great way to reduce your animal protein intake without endangering your health. That is why nuts and seeds are so often recommended to children and athletes.

In addition, they contain a high content of healthy fats necessary for maintaining a proper body weight. 

As if that was not enough, they are rich in fiber, which is something that helps us take care of the digestive system and also naturally prevents constipation.

What should we choose?

There is a fairly large selection of dried fruits, depending on your taste preferences or health requirements. Let’s look at a few types of nuts and seeds and their benefits.

nuts and seeds


  • Italian : great for improving brain function.
  • Hazelnut : They regulate blood sugar levels and also improve the condition of the intestines.
  • Almonds : They help with breastfeeding and are high in vitamin E and calcium.
  • Macadamia nuts : High in healthy fats.
  • Pistachios : Rich in iron and great against anemia.
  • Pine nuts : They are distinguished by a high content of vitamin B1.
  • Cashews : A large amount of magnesium, cares for the nervous and muscular systems.

Seeds and pips

  • Sunflower : It is rich in vitamins B1 and E, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Pumpkin seeds : They are one of the best ways to prevent intestinal parasites and prostate problems.
  • Sesame : The best source of calcium, essential if you are not consuming dairy.
  • Linseed : High in fatty acids that improve the appearance of your skin, hair and nails.
  • Chia seeds : They improve bowel movements and reduce cholesterol.

Soaking is essential

Raw nuts and seeds, as well as vegetables, are coated with a substance called an enzyme-inhibiting factor. These factors are designed to prevent premature sprouting and also help preserve the nutrients for the plant to grow. However, when you eat them, they inhibit the absorption of certain minerals and proteins and also make digestion difficult.

pistachios and cashews

If you wet the nuts and seeds for a few hours, you will avoid this problem and prepare the seeds for consumption or sprouting.

Nuts and Seeds – Soaking Time :

  • Almonds: 12 hours
  • Chi seeds and linseed: 2 hours
  • Italian and Hazelnut: 8 hours
  • Pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds: 6 hours
  • Sunflower: 4 hours
  • Pine nuts, pistachios, cashews, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts: no soaking necessary

After soaking them, you can brown them over low heat to emphasize their flavor.

It should be noted that flaxseed and chia seeds produce vegetable glue when wet, which only supports the functioning of the intestines. You can mix them with the water they soaked in.

How To Add Nuts And Seeds To Your Diet?

While nuts and seeds can be eaten at any time of the day, here are some unique ideas for incorporating them into your daily diet:

delicacies, nuts and seeds
  • Added to porridge for breakfast.
  • Homemade cocoa and nut cream, sweetened with honey.
  • Smoothie with fruit and oatmeal.
  • Roasted and crushed nuts and seeds added to sauces and fillings.
  • In cookies and other baked goods, finely ground or in larger pieces.
  • Added to smoothies and vegetable juices.
  • With desserts, e.g. baked apples with walnuts or pieces of orange with honey and almonds.
  • Baked, ground sesame seeds with salt, known as gomasio, are a delicious spice for rice and pasta.

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