Obesity: 6 Types And Possible Causes

The obesity problem is much more serious than we think and should not be ignored. If you notice that you are gaining weight at an alarming rate, talk to your doctor. He will help you find the right solution.
Obesity: There are 6 types and possible causes

Obesity comes in many varieties and can be caused by various factors, but they can all be controlled if you consult with a specialist who can personalize your treatment regimen.

“I don’t know what to do to lose weight”, “My sister eats twice as much as I do and she is thinner” or “I can’t stop eating …” Do you ever think that? Maybe you even said similar sentences aloud? . Could any of them be true?

The answer is yes.

There are many types of obesity, and each has a different cause. Therefore, sometimes the diet and exercise plan may not give you enough results.

To avoid frustration, we will explain the types of obesity and how they differ. However, if you decide to lose weight, it is best to consult a specialist who can diagnose a specific problem and personalize a treatment regimen tailored to your case.

Obesity: 6 types and their causes

1. Genetic obesity

Have you ever noticed that there are certain families where all members are obese? This may be due to two problems. They may have general poor eating habits at home, or they may all be genetically predisposed to the problem.

This does not mean that genetically obese patients should give up. While it’s true that these people will have harder times achieving their goals, there are steps they can take to lose weight.

obesity obese family on the couch watching TV

Most importantly, however, you will need a genetic test to help your doctor initiate the appropriate treatment.

2. Nutritional obesity

Those who suffer from this type of obesity know that it is not easy to deal with. It means making permanent lifestyle changes. It’s not enough to just go to the gym and eat well for a year – it’s a lifelong discipline.

Over time, you’ll be able to relax a bit as your metabolism speeds up. However, if you want to maintain the results of your diet, you should be very diligent and persistent in your decisions.

3. Obesity due to poor regulation

It is one of the most complicated types of obesity. This means that your body does not regulate your hunger properly, so you never feel full. Patients who struggle with this problem want to eat all the time, even if they have already consumed a significant amount.
When they sit down at the table, they can’t help themselves. The result is a constant dissatisfaction after each meal, which is complicated by the appearance of more dishes.

obesity obese man on the couch

4. Obesity due to the nervous system

Eating is fun. Therefore, people who suffer from anxiety or other mental health problems can compensate for their discomfort by eating. Overall, they tend to choose foods that are higher in sugar and fat.

In such cases, it is best to inform your doctor about your diet. A psychologist or psychiatrist will help you manage stress spikes and channel your energy in a different way. For these patients, the process can be very complicated as they forgo one of the few sources of well-being.

5. Endocrine obesity

The most common problems are hypothyroidism and adrenal insufficiency. In this case, the organs do not function properly, which leads to a hormonal imbalance.

In the first case, the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones than is needed to metabolize the substances you put into your body. In the second, it gives off too many of them.


6. Thermogenic obesity

Earlier, we said that obesity and overweight occur when we take in more calories than we are able to burn. In this case, however, the body does not reach the temperature required for this combustion. Therefore, almost everything you eat translates into weight gain.

A visit to the doctor may be helpful, and sometimes even necessary. Eating certain diets without consultation can lead to serious health problems. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies and dangerous weight loss.

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