Obesogeny: What Are They And Are They Really Enemies Of Diet?

Obesogeny: what are they and are they really enemies of diet?

Obesogens are often found in plastics. Their contact with food can endanger hormonal health.

Obesogens are artificial substances that disrupt the normal functioning of the endocrine system in such a way that they can contribute to overweight or obesity.

This class of substances increases the risk of weight gain. They are most harmful when exposed to them continuously or early in life. Besides, they can also be associated with the development of other types of disease.

Phthalates as obesogens

Phthalates are a number of compounds added to some commonly used products. As such, they are non-toxic and break down at the level of the liver. In any case, they can have some negative health effects, especially in terms of weight gain.

A study published in the journal Chemosphere found that exposure of a pregnant woman to compounds of this class resulted in a lower birth weight in the baby. However, they are associated with an increased risk of weight gain later, even in adulthood.

This class of substances is mainly found in cosmetic products, plastic components and cleaning agents. They can affect the endocrine system, hindering its functioning.


Bisphenol A.

It is a chemical commonly found in plastics or soda cans. The risk is that it can sometimes get from the food packaging into the food itself and thus get into the human body.

Articles such as the one published in the journal Environmental Health link exposure to these types of compounds to the development of pathologies at the metabolic level. In this way, these substances can contribute to the appearance of diabetes or hypertension  with all the negative connotations that this type of disease has.

Plastic bottles

Other obesogens: tobacco smoke

Another of these compounds is tobacco smoke, which is also associated with an increased risk of cancer. This is according to a study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research. Both being active and passive smoker can cause hormonal disruptions that negatively affect your health.

How to avoid such substances?

When it comes to promoting proper health, we must consider not only the food we eat. You should be aware that the packaging may contain a number of substances harmful to health.

For this reason, it is recommended to use organic foods that do not contain excessive amounts of plastic in their packaging whenever possible . Another useful strategy is not to refill your water bottles using glass bottles.

However, there are some factors that are difficult to control. Exposure to a polluted environment or secondhand smoke is not always avoidable.

For this reason, it is important to increase your intake of foods with antioxidant properties through your diet. These types of substances are able to fight cellular DNA damage, as well as to improve hormonal function.

Obesogens are harmful to health

Although many of the links between obesogens and health are still unclear, it is believed that these products have negative effects on the body.

They should be avoided as much as possible. To do this, it is recommended to eat organic food and avoid reusing plastic in packaging. In addition, when choosing cosmetic products, it is worth looking at labels to make sure that they do not contain any of the listed substances.

After all, getting zero exposure to these types of products is very difficult, almost impossible. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your diet to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to fight oxidation.

In addition, a good diet will contribute to the proper functioning of the endocrine system and reduce the presence of markers associated with poor metabolic health.

On the other hand, regular exercise also plays a vital role in this process. Combining sport with the right diet is a great way to stay healthy.

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